Molly Makes a Mistake - A Children's Tale About Contentment

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


Molly is sitting in the warm cozy sunlight on the windowsill like she always does, just looking out the window wanting to be in the outside world for once.

She can hear the birds chirping on the clothesline just begging to be chased. She can see the dogs walking with their owners and the cats below in the alleyway enjoying a buffet of mice. Oh, how she wishes she was not a luxurious housecat.

Her owner, Rosy, calls her to get her breakfast. Molly walks into the kitchen with much sadness and eats the same boring tuna every day, but she doesn’t know how lucky she really is. Her owner loves her, takes care of her, feeds her, and plays with her whenever she wants.

However, she feels like there is more to life than this. Little did she know those strays outside would die to be in a home like this and have an owner.

The next day is very hot; so hot in fact, that all the windows are open. Molly hatches a brilliant idea and decides to jump out a window and live in the outside world leaving her old life behind. Molly lands feet first in the alleyway and heads out to find adventure. She loves the idea of being outside because that means she is free to do whatever she wants.

She approaches the other cats trying to get a bite, but they aren’t friendly and aren’t sharing. She is starving, not knowing how to hunt a mouse, she had to eat out of the dumpster.

Then, a pair of wings fly over her head and catches her eye. Molly decides to follow the bird and chases it into the street but almost gets run over by a car. She scurries onto the sidewalk as fast as she can.


Then, she goes to walk with a dog and his owner, and to her surprise, the dog starts viciously barking at her. Molly runs away as fast as she can. This is nothing that she thought the outside world to be; it’s too dangerous for her liking.

She realizes how ungrateful she was being and now wants her old life back, no matter how boring, it was safe. She misses the way she would play with her toys, curl up on the windowsill and even eat bland tuna.

However, most importantly she misses Rosy.

Rosy puts up flyers trying to find her Maine Coon cat everywhere. Molly sees a picture of herself with Rosy and follows it. Rosy misses her, therefore Molly decides she has had enough of the outside world and wants to be with Rosy safe inside.

The flyers lead her to her house, and she starts meowing loudly and scratching at the door. Rosy answers, only to see darkness outside but looks down and sees Molly sitting on the doorstep being highlighted by the lamp light.

Her face ignites a huge smile while she scoops Molly up and rocks her back and forth with delight.

Rosy and Molly go inside, realizing how grateful they are to have each other, and they curl up in bed together content as they drift sound asleep.


The End

@hopehuggs <3

Picture sources 1, 2, 3

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You only know what you have until you lose it... this is basically the story of my life with girls xD
Unfortunately, we get many cats living in the streets, not only is it bad for them as pets, but it's also bad for us as humans, since we get increased diseases, car accidents, etc... People that have cats should take them to the vet and have them nurtured so they can't have kids!! And people also need to realize that having 15 cats in one tiny home is NOT HEALTHY! Cats are territorial, and no matter what, trying to make 15 cats live in a small house isn't going to be good, the signs that they are all stressed out are there, people just don't realize it because they don't know any animal behavior, cats especially are very complex animals!

The grass is always greener, until you stand in the dog crap! Best thing is to not compare ourselves to others, as we tend to see other people's best bits and not the bad things, yet when we look at ourselves it tends to be the other way around.

I guess I won't end up the crazy cat lady after all, unless i get myself a house with at least 15 rooms and 10 acres of garden!

tiny Molly makes a mistakes, sometimes in life we get too tired of comfort that we forget the essence of living it, and as a result of this, runs off to find adventure.
It's a beautiful story really I really enjoyed it.

Sometimes it is hard to appreciate what we have, but we we stop to think about it, we have so much to be grateful for.

certainly your story is quite didactic, I enjoyed it, seems you've taken a break from poetry very often?

Ah this is a beautiful story with a great lesson - resteeming

Thank you @anneke and thank you for the resteem ❤

Everyone of us had one time or the other thought the grass that looked greener on the other side was also edible, to our disappointment in most cases.

Not everything that looks good on the outside or from a distance actually is. Molly was lucky, not everyone is.

Lovely story with great message @hopehuggs

It might still be edible, but It often leaves a sour taste. Yes, it could easily have had a sad ending too.

Such a cute story. We have a cat that has decided to take an extended stroll outside. He has been gone for a couple months so we are not sure he is coming home anymore.

I hope your cat comes back. They become part of the family, don't they?

@hopehugs this is a good read even for adults. Sometimes we forget to be content and grateful. I am blessed steemit makes me remember to say thank you and be happy with what I have on a daily basis

Good day! Another wonderful and instructive story. The story is told in simple words, but it contains deep thoughts. Indeed, by the example of the cat Molly, you show us that you need to appreciate what you have. Of course, no one says that you can not dream, but first you need to think carefully, and then whether you will be as good as now. Thanks for such a good story, I'm waiting for more.

What a beautiful story.
There's soo much to learn. The theme of contentment, love, appreciation...
It's high time we stop trying to live like others because it seems to be better for them.
The grass always look greener on the other side.

Yes, we have to try to live our dreams, not the dreams of other people.

Nice one. Just goes to show that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. However, most will never believe this until they have seen this for themselves.

However, not everyone will be as lucky as Molly to get a second chance.

Hello @hopehuggs, very good story. As with Molly, the same thing happens to many humans. They do not know what they have until they lose it. Thank you because Molly ended well. The outside world for a domestic cat is frightening. Greetings.

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