What Can We Do to Inspire Our Young Generation to do Sports? (Steemit Education Homework - Day 219)

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

The now that our young generation lives and breathes is so different than what you and I experienced back then. At the present time, we are bursting with new flavours and charm of technology, video games applications and social media platforms. A quick news flash, it will continue on for many centuries to come, simply because our world is evolving and ever-changing. There will be always be something new, something better, something that is just a cut above.

These fascinating additions, or perhaps hobbies in their eyes, have taken away their time and for some, interest and motivation to do sports or even outdoors. Thus, we, teachers and parents, play a crucial role to inaugurate and impel our young generation to do sports and it could just be that something new that they may find great delight in doing them. Here are some ways we can do together to make it happen:

1. Be the pacemaker


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It starts with us. Why not be honest with ourselves first? When was the last time you went for a swim? Or maybe, that badminton outing that we often called in 'sick' or 'busy'? The fact that we are the immediate role-models that the young generation look up to is no longer uncommon. Most of their first-hand experiences are emulated by what we do and how we speak. If we demonstrate our interest and enthusiasm in sports, we are indirectly introducing them the excitement that they can also gain from doing sports. So, go ahead, look at your work schedule and make purposeful plans about it. In fact, it may just do good for us as much as it is for them - it is the perfect stress buster! Yes, I am guilty in this too - you are not alone. Meh.

2. Set the goals right

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Setting the right goals intentionally will help us in the long run. Don't scare them with all the diabetes and obesity statistics in your early conversations. Most of them are not naturally compelled to do sports and telling them that they MUST do sports just because they are fat is not helpful at all. Alternatively, goal setting should come hand in hand with creating a positive awareness of the benefits in doing sports. Get them to start with a simple goal like 'to be stronger', 'to cross the monkey bars', 'to do a cartwheel', or 'to feel more awake at school'. This way, it allows deeper, meaningful conversations on how these simple goals can be achieved, and eventually turn them into their daily or weekly routines.

3. Use their 'comfort zone'

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All of us feel comfortable and at ease in doing things within our comfort zones. Why not use their 'comfort zones' to inspire them to do sports? Find out who their best buddies are and what their favourite places like. Get connected with them and introducing sport activities will be a breeze. Doing sports together within their 'comfort zones' helps to reduce their anxiety of making mistakes and even, failing. Furthermore, not only their friendship bonds would be strengthened, we are also prompting them to make further suggestions of other sport or outdoor activities. One simple way to do that comes with multiple fruitful results. How captivating!

4. Prioritize and praise efforts

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Always remember, what matters the most is the efforts taken. No matter how little the effort may be, do take time to recognize it sincerely. It relays a message that we are truly concerned about their thinking and wellbeing. By doing this, it offers a deeper sense of vulnerability and dedication in them to do sports enthusiastically. Congratulate them when they achieve something or do something right and use non-critical ways to correct their errors. The heart of every praise is the words that we use. Avoid giving general remarks like 'Well done!' or 'Good job!' instead be a little specific like 'I watched how high you jumped for the ball just now before scoring a basket, and that was amazing!' or 'I am very proud of you that you wanted to do 2 more rounds of swimming on your own!'.

5. Motivate and engage further

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Keep going, and get creative. It almost feel and sound like we are trying to court our little boyfriends and girlfriends here. HAHAHAHA! Start making plans for a family sports outing together. Perhaps, even participate in a local event near you. Besides that, since they love their screen time, you can also recommend child-friendly movies that showcase different types of sports whilst learning the imperative value of sportsmanship too. My personal picks would be Ice Princess, Million Dollar Arm, The Mighty Ducks and We Are Marshall.


I sure hope that you have gained new insights from my post here, and WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER! Thank you for reading my post today. :)
This post is my personal response to Steemit Education homework (Day 219), as elaborated below:

Many kids are no longer interested in sport. They don't want to participate because they have become lazy and just want to sit in front of the television or play video games. How do you get kids to participate in sport? (taken directly from @steemiteducation)

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Whenever I'm working with a kid to try to get them to play an activity I try my best to get them out of their comfort zone, most of the time the child already accepts me as their friend so its easy for me to get them motivated and interested in an activity.

Overall these are great tips, follow these easy steps and any parent can really get their kid going on something.

@boycharlieplays, 'befriending' them is another way to consider too, you're definitely right on this! Thank you for your support :) Happy Valentine's Day!

Most of them are not naturally compelled to do sports and telling them that they MUST do sports just because they are fat is not helpful at all. Alternatively, goal setting should come hand in hand with creating a positive awareness of the benefits in doing sports. This is a great idea. I think all parents should encourage this. What do you think?

Definitely, @amarbir. It is one of the many hats that is least emphasized. :)


ok. I'm definitely hitting the gym tomorrow! hahaha! but in all seriousness. do want to bring my family to the park more often. healthy lifestyle! let's do this together! 💪

@calebleejl, need some evidence eh, you in the gym today. HAHAHAHAA! Yes, I have to sort out my schedule too. #noexcusesanymore :D

hahaha! yes! will definitely post up some evidence ;)

Yes I agree with you when they start their body going on sport they will realise moving and sweating is alot of fun. That being said, I myself need to get myself moving too. Nice write up with alot of ideas to encourage young (and old) to participate in sports. 😊

YEAH, we too need to get moving. Our lazy bones need some awakening. Hahahaa, @iamjadeline! xD

nice article , reminds me my old day , got scold my mother because too much playing game , from that day i try to motivate myself changing my lifestyle , not really easy since that i'm a gamer addict but it take times to get a healty lifestyle.. by the way thanks for good article again...

@arjimi, change is not easy but, but, but it is also not impossible! :D Thank you for reading!

They have e-sports now haha

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Thank youuuuuuuuuuu, @appreciator! :)

Great post! You made some good points!

Thanks for reading, @kimmiecfields! :)

Some wonderful ideas here! I taught high school for over 20 years and have seen the decline in physical activity over those years. I used to give my own boys a certain amount of "screen time" and then kicked them outside for play and fresh air:) It really is all about them having fun!

Heheheee, need that 'special kick' from Mom to go outdoors! The right thing to do, @lynncoyle1! :)

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