The Joy of Learning

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

I was thinking what I could post about today when suddenly our boy, Levi who was still asleep started chanting out: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven....." My husband and I exchanged a glance and we smiled. Hahahah, this was NOT the first time! I have experienced this many times when he would be speaking in his dreams about shapes, colours, numbers, alphabets! Just yesterday morning in the wee hours of the day, suddenly Levi woke up and asked me to get up. He then climbed off the bed and went to the charts in our rooms about months of the year. He wanted to revise what he learnt the day before at 5am!!! I went back to bed, I am so sorry! :P

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As much as I am amused with Levi's enthusiasm to learn, I am amazed too! Though being reminded by many other parents that the syllabus for education nowadays is way more difficult and we have to start the children as young as possible, we haven't really plan to start teaching him academically, at least not yet for his age. We wanted to just let him play more and learn as he plays, if he pleases. I know a lot of other parents may be taking a different approach so just go with the pace you are comfortable with and also it depends on what the child is interested in :) A year ago, we notice he picks up learning rather quick because he himself is very interested in especially shapes, alphabets and phonics, drums, numbers.

Learning How to Be a Home Educator

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Honestly, this is our first child so I do not exactly know how to go about when it comes to education. I chose to stay home with him as a stay at home mom with two hours away from him each day for me to tutor some students. With this decision, I was hoping to I could spend more time involving in Levi's life. My husband was taught by his mom since young to study and write, so he was very for this idea. However, I had no clue where to begin from, even in helping him to learn in other areas like eating, keeping toys etc. I am actually quite lost but I too didn't want to be rigid and want to accommodate Levi's interests. We started off with some simple board books and I realize he went for the shapes book most of the time, then the objects books, then the alphabets book. Next, I bought him some shapes toys to match and he showed intense interest in it, carrying it everywhere and especially liked to show his grandparents. He can now identify trapezoid and also rhombus! It is more like I flow along with what he is interested with, and try to enhance the learning in that aspect, like getting him some objects he can relate with. So I for one, buy quite a lot of toys for him, though I hide them in batches, to induce Levi to learn to focus on one toy before another. I know I may be condemned for getting him too many toys, oops!

Levi's Other "Teachers"

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I am aware that many may not advocate this which is learning through screentime or particularly Youtube in iPad or phones. Like every other parents, I too can have my burnout time and used to have ideal requirements for myself to not let Levi engaged with gadgets. I always thought I want to be like all the other creative parents to create interesting object lessons and play for him, inventing my own learning stimulation or take after those who have posted many links online about it. WELL, THAT WAS MY IDEAL! Hahah, we exposed Levi to Youtube and he has learnt many many things from this "teacher". Of course, we are aware that there can be inappropriate contents too hence why we would watch together with him. He has learnt his series of vegetables and fruits, vehicles, counting, colours, instruments and etc. He has also been watching some drumming videos and we saw him improved in his casual drumming. He started to play in beats and patterns. However, we also came to realize he would behave in a certain manner if he watches too much in a day, so we have started limiting screentime and also cutting it down. In my opinion, screentime is not evil and it can be a good teacher, but we got to know how to monitor and decide when is the cut off time. Too much of any good thing can be a bad thing, isn't it? I think he is safe to explore within a certain boundary that we are monitoring. After all, I enjoy seeing his joy of learning so I do not want to kill off this joy of curiosity that he is having too. I think it is healthy to nurture it, under my observation and guidance.

Learning through Applications and Experiences

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Levi likes to go to the supermarket and see the different fresh produces that he has learnt. He would love to touch them and name them one by one. He can do this for a very long time and sometimes reluctant to go home, hehe. I always wish I can buy the whole supermarket back. Hahaha! He has also learnt to eat when he was younger, because he was a difficult eater back then. So, I let him play with his food and grab whichever he wants to eat by himself. Now, as he grew up, he wants to be fed instead and would only eat certain things by himself. What an irony! Nevertheless, I learnt that he likes to apply his knowledge or the things he learn. He wants to do some things in order to relate with what he has learnt. Before this, he enjoyed painting with water colours. The latest toy he has been playing is Play Doh. He would like to roll them, cut them and shape them. I guess this is helping his motor skills as well!

So Many Things to LEARN!!

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I can sometimes feel overwhelmed by what the children has to go through nowadays. I would feel like I got to teach him on how to share, how to have some appropriate manners besides teaching him academically. I guess I too stress myself out! The joy of learning can be robbed so easily. As I see my son learning happily at his pace now, I really don't wish he lose this attitude when comparison comes in one day though I know it is part of his growing up. For now, as much as he wants to learn, I would facilitate that to happen to learn under a stress-free environment with no need to compete or excel, but merely for the joy of learning. I have seen my students dread learning and I always wonder what actually change this joy of learning along the way. Although I am now a grown adult, I am learning too. Sometimes I learn under stress, sometimes I learn under joy. So I guess both can be great motivations, actually!


My wish for my boy is may he never lose this joy of learning even as he grows up, even as stress creeps in, even as he faces failures! I myself love to learn alongside with him. He always makes me dumbfounded when he can recite the things that we have just taught him.

From the freedom to explore comes the joy of learning. From knowledge acquired by personal initiative arises the desire for more knowledge. And from mastery of the novel and beautiful world awaiting every child comes self-confidence.
~E. O. Wilson Source




Learning can start at an early age. My worry is when the parents push their children too hard when their children are not ready. Let learning be a joy.

Yeah you are right @positivesteem. Learning should always be something fun for them to explore. I am trying to remind myself not to push him too hard and neglect the part of enjoying it.

You have a cute and smart kid. You definitely find a most convenient way with his learning or he will and show you the way. Good job you are doing on him already.

Thanks so much for the encouragement @golddeejay! I'm trying to go with his flow :)

Indeed he is really fast in ABC and 123 plus his drumming skill, wow, AMAZING! Some genius gene in him! :) hope we as adults also have joy in learning like the children.

Yeah man. I think I lost my joy when I tried too hard to excel. Haha after I fail and no longer pressurizing myself too much, I now like to learn again, though sometimes can be scared too. Hopefully our children always have this desire to learn, not for the sake of academic achievements but to discover something new :)

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Oh wow. What a pleasant surprise as I wake up! Thank you @jaynie! You truly made my day. I myself especially like this post too, haha because it reminds and encourages myself in my motherhood. 😝

My mom instilled an appetite for learning that has served me the rest of my life! Good on you!

Thanks for your words of encouragement to know you turned out well because of your mom. I'm sure she's a wonderful and wise lady :) @drumoperator

As a mom of five who are now adults, I can say that kids LOVE learning! They will all develop their interests, but as long as you keep interacting with them and showing them the things they are curious about, you are doing great as a teacher.

Wonderful post and adorable photos!

Hey @byn! Thanks so much for your encouragement. It means a lot when it comes from an experienced mom, you know. I'm still finding my footing in motherhood, Hehe. :)

I'm not a parent so I don't think I would be much help but I wanted to say good for you for watching with your son! So many parent's just let there kids watch the YouTube kids app & don't pay attention!

Hey @cailliyork, appreciate your comment and encouragement. You are of help just with your words! :)

Such a bliss reading your post here, @happycrazycon! Your son will do just fine! :) Thank you for sharing your life experiences here with us. :)

Thanks for your words of assurance from a teacher! @heartscally :)

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