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RE: Funding Education with the Blockchain, Volume 1: Books and Wobble Stools!

I won't get on my soapbox, but this is one reason why we need to get rid of national education control and let the states keep their money since they have a better ear to the ground on what is needed.

My mom said they used to keep my old highshcool so cold to prevent mold from growing because every year befor school started they hired a cleaning company to come in and bleach everything to kill all the mold.

100% upvote and resteemed for one of the best causes I've seen on Steemit.


Thanks so much for your support. I'm sure there are countless horror stories like yours coming out of the US education system, especially in rural areas. We live in a nice area, but the school building my wife teaches in is over 50 years old.

I'm hoping that this series will help send funds to needed areas, so thank you again for your vote.

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