THE WRITING PROCESS: Vary Paragraph and Sentence Lengths

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

The absence in the writing of diverse sentences, is a general weakness. To help you vary the sentences in your writing, you must become aware of three general types of sentences: Simple, complex, and compound.

Simple, Complex & Compound

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  1. Simple Sentences
    A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought.
    Examples of simple sentences include the following:

Joe waited for the train.
"Joe" = subject, "waited" = verb
The train was late.
"The train" = subject, "was" = verb
Mary and Samantha took the bus.
"Mary and Samantha" = compound subject, "took" = verb
The most effective writing uses a variety of the sentence types explained below
A simple sentence can also be referred to as an independent clause. It is referred to as "independent" because, while it might be part of a compound or complex sentence, it can also stand by itself as a complete sentence.

Simple Sentences

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  1. Compound Sentences
    A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember if you think of the words "FANBOYS":

Examples of compound sentences include the following:

Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.

I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station, but they arrived at the station before noon and left on the bus before I arrived.

Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, and they left on the bus before I arrived.

Mary and Samantha left on the bus before I arrived, so I did not see them at the bus station.

The sentence is logically related. Too many compound sentences that use "and" can weaken writing.

Clearer and more specific relationships can be established through the use of complex sentences.

Compound Sentences

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  1. Complex Sentences
    A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses connected to it. A dependent clause is similar to an independent clause, or complete sentence, but it lacks one of the elements that would make it a complete sentence.

Examples of dependent clauses include the following:
because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon
while he waited at the train station
after they left on the bus
Dependent clauses such as those above cannot stand alone as a sentence, but they can be added to an independent clause to form a complex sentence.

  • Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions. Below are some of the most common subordinating conjunctions:

even though

  • A complex sentence joins an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses.
    The dependent clauses can go first in the sentence, followed by the independent clause, as in the following:

  • Tip: When the dependent clause comes first, a comma should be used to separate the two clauses.
    Because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, I did not see them at the station.
    While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was late.
    After they left on the bus, Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was waiting at the train station.
    Conversely, the independent clauses can go first in the sentence, followed by the dependent clause, as in the following:

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  • Tip: When the independent clause comes first, a comma should not be used to separate the two clauses.
    I did not see them at the station because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon.
    Joe realized that the train was late while he waited at the train station.
    Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was waiting at the train station after they left on the bus.
    Complex sentences are often more effective than compound sentences because a complex sentence indicates clearer and more specific relationships between the main parts of the sentence. The word "before," for instance, tells readers that one thing occurs before another. A word such as "although" conveys a more complex relationship than a word such as "and" conveys

  • A subject and verb can form a sentence. e.g. She laughed.

Vary your sentence Construction

Try to use simple, complex and compound sentences.

  • At times, begin with a subordinate clause or phrase, a participle or even an infinitive.

Ensure that the Concord of the sentence is correct

Everyone should do his* best.
The **participants in the competition were confident of their performances.

Decide on the most suitable tense for your topic

  • Make sure that you use the **same tense throughout your writing.

Direct Speech/Dialogue should be used with Discrimination

Direct speech enhances your writing and allows the reader to relate to the characters.

  • It enables the reader to visualize the character and this lends reality and credibility to the situation.
  • Be careful of the stilted use of dialogue as this negates the impact you wish to make.
  • Avoid overusing "He said ..." or, "She said ..."

Include Sensory Detail

Try to bring to life what you see, hear, touch, taste and smell.

  • Begin by deciding which senses are relevant to your topic.
  • If possible, add an aura of originality to your writing by using the magical sixth sense of insight.


This acronym is a popular and useful technique to enrich your writing:

S - Strong verbs - Give your work energy and create impact
I - Imagery - Occasional, well-positioned figures of speech ‘paint your work’
D - Detail - Focuses on specific information – ‘think small’
E - Experience - Honesty, sincerity and a lack of pretentiousness
S - Suggestion - Hints, subtlety, intimation, surprise – avoid stating the obvious and allow readers to think
for themselves


As usual, very interesting article.

Actually, I want to write down something in English, I want to post in English but I have so many errors in grammar. I need learn more from these kind of articles. I will try to practice a lot later. I decided to write well in English.

thanks a lot for sharing @frieda!

Thank you very much for your reply. You must get yourself a good English Dictionary and Thesaurus, which will help you find words etc.

Thanks for your advice. I will try...

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