in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

The strategies which may be used to teach learners are indeed diverse. They can be used in such a manner that the so-called learning event becomes a non-event. The use of various strategies, alone or in combination, depends to a large extent on the individual's choice and abilities. It is up to the educator to choose the most appropriate strategy or strategies for the learners who will be the recipients of the teacher's guidance. The ultimate objective should be to enable the learners to learn.

A lecture is a formal presentation of subject-matter by the teacher. It is not necessarily a teaching method; a simple lecture or the presentation of a paper before a group of learners may possess an element of teaching, but the lecture method of teaching is more specific, planned and aimed at teachingor enable the group of learners to learn.

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There is no real discussion in a formal lecture, it is given to a captive, seated audience by a lecturer/ teacher standing in front of the group. The lecture, as a teaching strategy, is a prepared presentation in which the lecturer talks more or less continuously for a specified time to the group who listens and may take notes about the material they consider of particular importance. There is no real discussion although students are often encouraged to ask questions, at the end of the lecture or at specific times during the lecture. The questions are usually asked to clarify certain points which were not understood.

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The lecture as a teaching method is not meant to repeat facts which various people have written in books. A student can read far more widely on a subject than the lecturer can present in one single lecture or even in a course of lectures.
It is a waste of time to present a lecture word for word which other people have organized and written.
The lecture as a teaching method should combine the following:

  • Establish contact with the students, to focus on being understood, rather than merely being heard and seen. If a class is dull and lethargic, then contact has not been established.
  • Offer students a challenge, arouse their curiosity. Their imagination should be stimulated and the spirit of inquiry provoked in them to lead them to creative thought.
  • Identify students problems and clarify difficult points. Attempts should be made to iron these out. The larger the group the more difficult it would be to do so. It is amazing what eye-contact can do, even if it is a large group.
  • To stimulate interest in the subject, the material should be presented in an original way to motivate and encourage the student to find out more.
  • Unpublished material and new discoveries should be presented.
  • The information presented should aim at explaining relationships or stating general principles. These will, of course, express the personal viewpoint of the lecturer, but different opinions should also be highlighted.

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Advantages of the Lecture as a Teaching Method

  • A lecture can present a great deal of relevant material in a short time when the lecture is properly prepared.
  • The number of the group which can be reached at the same time is only limited to the size of the room and the efficiency of the intercom system.The lecture method can be used to introduce subject-matter, present relevant material or suggest interpretation to a very large group of people at the same time.

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  • Teaching and learning are human events and require the presence of both teacher and learner.
  • A good lecture can point out different points of view. This can save the student time, where he might have to spend a great deal of time to find the facts. The lecture can explain and interpret facts. The study of one prescribed textbook is not advisable because it usually only presents the point of view of the author.
  • The well-prepared lecture can be used to orientate the students, pointing out what their objectives and basic knowledge necessary for success will be at the end of the learning period. Orientation to a whole programme is possible.
  • A lecture presented by a well-known authority on a certain subject, who is able to convey his/her own enthusiasm to others, can inspire students and make a lasting impression on them.
  • A lecture can be scheduled for any time during the course of study. Thus, timing is flexible.
  • A lecture is easily and effectively combined with many other methods of instruction, which makes combination possible.

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  • The experience, enthusiasm, and ability to present an organized body of subject-matter in an inspirational manner, special skills when delivering the lecture, are attributes possessed by some lecturers. These should be capitalized upon. Make use of special attributes of the lecturer!

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Teaching is a noble job. I am a teacher myself and yes that is true, the lecture method is helpful and their are alot of advantages.

teaching is the most respect full occupations in the world, a good teacher make a good nation, always respect teacher, i love my all teachers

Their patience and endurance are incredible. They are definitely a special group of people. Thank you for your reply.

Thanks for sharing this with us

Thank you for reading my post!

Very good woo

Thank you!

I read your posts and nice all @frieda.

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