COMPREHENSION: Other Questioning Techniques

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

'A Cloze Test (also called the "cloze deletion test") is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of text with certain words removed (cloze text), where the teacher asks the participant to restore the missing words. Cloze tests require students to understand context and vocabulary to identify the correct words that belong in the deleted passages of a text.'

A Cloze Test

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'Research indicates that teachers at many elementary schools require their students to read books and materials that they often struggle to read. This condition is largely based on the graded system which assumes that all children learn all things at virtually the same time. It seems imperative that teachers choose materials which match the students' reading skills.'

More Questioning Techniques

1. The Cloze Procedure

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You are given a sentence or passage with missing words, which you then have to supply
By inserting the correct word, you are proving that you understand the passage.

  • The missing words are apparent only from the context.
  • You will have to read the whole passage or most of the passage before you can safely insert these missing words.
  • After you inserted the word, re-read the sentence to check that it makes sense.

2. Matching Columns

**You will be supplied with two columns and will have to match Column A with Column B.
This exercise is often complicated because the given statements are purposely close in meaning.

  • Check that you follow the numbering instructions carefully, as they may be confusing.

3. True or False

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You will be supplied with a statement and be asked whether this is TRUE or FALSE.
***Analyze each word of the statement, as 'True and False Statements' may be misleading.

  • Write the word True or False in full, not only the first letter.
  • You may be asked to motivate (substantiate) your answer for the text.
  • Be aware of words such as everyone, no-one, always, never, as they modify the meanings of their sentences.

4. Multiple Choice

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Based on the passage, you will be given a question or a statement which will have a number of possible answers.
The answers are usually close in meaning and need to be carefully analyzed.

  • This section is often used to test vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms.
  • Take careful note of the answering requirements e.g. circle, underline or tick.

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5. Sequencing of Paragraphs, Sentences or Pictures

You may be presented with a number of sentences or a group of pictures which are out of sequence.
Your ability to sequence will indicate your level of understanding.

  • When carefully sequenced, a logical story will develop.

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6. Picture Analysis/Observation

You will be given a picture or a photograph and may be asked to:

  • supply a title. This must be short and relevant to your understanding of the picture.
  • Discuss the setting (time and place).
    e.g. The moon tells us that it is night; the action is taking place in a garden.
  • Describe the characters in terms of gender, age, facial expressions, body language and dress.
  • Analyze the actions. What is happening in the picture?
  • Analyze and describe the composition of the picture.
    How is the visual composed and how does this composition create meaning?
  • Supply suitable names for the characters in order to make them more real.
  • Supply dialogue. Ensure that it fits the theme of the picture.
  • Formulate your own questions relating to the picture.
    Try to integrate contextual and interpretative questions, as well as questions requiring facts and opinions.
  • State what you think happened before and after the picture.

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To Follow: Additional Skills

EBH Joubert: English Grammar

follow me @frieda


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