in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

When given the task to write an assignment about a certain topic, this usually requires the completion of a written report on the subject. Each student must carry out his own learning activity which can be seen as a form of programmed learning.

According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary (48), an assignment is 'a task allocated to a person', while Merriam Webster dictionary defines an assignment as 'the act of assigning something; the assignment of a task'. The Collins English Dictionary defines an assignment as 'a task or piece of work that you are given to do, especially as part of your job or studies', while Tracey (64:200-201) defines an assignment as 'a method where the instructor assigns readings in books, periodicals, manuals or hand-outs, requires the completion of a project or research paper; or prescribes problems and exercises for the practice of a skill', and Heidgerken (26:357) sees it as 'the chief means of directing learning activities outside the classrooms'.

Assignment Cover Page

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Assignments are guided learning activities, allocated to individuals or a group of individuals to cover a certain aspect of the study guide which is not going to be presented formally. Assignments are also directing and guiding students to do research and to study at the same time. It prepares students for group discussions or for a later topic of discussion during a lecture. It also gives students a similar background knowledge and assists poor learning or insufficient knowledge for preparation to a pre-course. It can also prepare students during course for a later section of the specific course material and supplement material presented in formal lectures.


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Advantages of Assignments

A considerable amount of study material can be studied in more depth and it can be covered in a much shorter time than is possible by any other means. This enables students to read the study material assigned for studying first hand, as it appears in the original writing and context. Assignments can be given to some students to solve their deficiencies in knowledge or skills without making it obvious to the other students. This avoids holding back the whole group because of the lack of knowledge and skills of a few.

Assignments can encourage creativity

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Features of a good assignment

Students are motivated to produce good thorough work. They must be able to define objectives concisely and clearly. The students must complete their assignments within a certain time frame and they know exactly what is expected of them. Objectives of learning needs are met of individual students.

Tips to write Assignments

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The assignment is also carefully designed with regard to the following:

  • the weight of the course
  • the significance of the course to each individual
  • the available time
  • Students learn how to research different writers on the same subject, through research, they gain knowledge.

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Completed assignments

When an assignment is completed, it must be marked with the care it deserves. Assignments must be handed back to the student with as little delay as possible. If this is not done, wrong information may be underlined in the mind of the student, or a valuable learning/teaching experience may be wasted.


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please follow me @frieda


bagus sekali postingan anda, mengeluarkan imijinasi yang sangat populer dan tertarik TERIMA KASIH @frieda

I recently had to sit down and explain how to do an assignment to my 12 year old daughter. They had given her a task sheet but hadn’t fully outlined the correct method for putting the assignment together. I think teachers need to add a page to each assignment handed out stating what is required, introduction, middle, conclusion etc. Also how to do a bibliography, she had no idea!

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