in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Art is defined by the English Oxford Dictionaries as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

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In his book, Civilization< art historian Kenneth Clark makes the following statement about art: 'There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists.' If this is so, how do we distinguish between good and bad art, or decide that a particular work of an artist deserves the term 'great'?

We may regard great art as any work that captures an ideal of beauty that enchants the viewer.But how would we define beauty? We have only to look through a family photo album to see how our ideas of beauty change over time. Perhaps, beauty is no more than fashion, which dazzles for a short time and then becomes stale, or even ridiculous. It is also true that some of the admired works of art in the world are anything but beautiful, yet they continue to fascinate and intrigued the public.

Art Photography by Picasso

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Great artists are sometimes seen as creative geniuses, whose works are the result of inspiration. However, in reality, even the most talented people work very hard to create excellence. Is it technique then, that sets them apart from their peers? If that were the case, then any artist who masters a technique should qualify for the title. A draftsman may be able to produce a perfect set of drawings, does this make him a great artist?

Ravished by Matisse

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Many people prefer works of art that do the work of photographs, creating images that look as real as the thing itself. Others are intrigued by artists, such as Picasso, who created both realistic and abstract work to capture the essence of the subject. Is one approach greater than the other?

Walter Battiss: Man with Bird Hat print

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The truth of the matter is that the only important thing about a piece of art is whether we enjoy it or not. Nothing else is relevant.

Frans Claerhout: Sunflower Harvester

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please follow me @frieda


very-very good picture ok I've vote.jangan forgot vote back

Thank you very much!

thanks for the vote

genial, la foto del niño en la playa debe valer mucho dinero, es autentico y genuino arte saludos

Es hermoso. También me gustó mucho, ¡ojalá fuera mío! Debe valer mucho, especialmente porque fue hecho por Picasso. Gracias por tu comentario.

Lovely post mam.I am regular visitor of your blog.I visit your blog due to your awesome work.You always do awesome posts.Keep it up mam

Thank you so much!

Thanks for information @frieda

Lovely post Frieda. So many people try to define 'good' or 'bad' art but i thoroughly agree with you. It is in the eye of the beholder. if you like it, it's good.

It is so true, I have a print of the Bird Hat and my father once said I must now get some other pictures! He didn't like my taste in art at all! It is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you for your reply.

Anytime Freida. Everyones taste is unique, its what makes the art world such a rich and diverse place.

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