Reflections: 3 things we take for granted - but we should be grateful for!

in #steemiteducation5 years ago


How many are your problems? If you ask people this question, they will be quick - almost without thinking about it - to all you all the challenges they want to solve in life. We seem to keep our problems in front of us, so much that we forget that we have so many things other people crave for. Should'nt we be a little more grateful or even happy that we still have some precious gifts no matter how little? Here are 3 things that we usually take for granted.

1. Freedom: You can wake up everyday, plan your activities, go to school, market, work or shopping. You go to see friends and you are free to move around. You travel on vacations or for business. You choose the food to eat and select the clothed you put on. These and many other things we do everyday revolves around freedom. Think about all the people wasting away in our prisons. They are not free to do all the things you do. Some body detects when they sleep and wake up. They are not free to see the sky, chat with friends, or do all the things we do. Have you ever been detained by police or law-enforcement agents? Have you spent a night or two in a detention facility? Be grateful for your freedom. There are people out there that do not have it.

2. Health: Though you may not be completely healthy, but you are not bed-ridden. You can still stand up everyday, walk, move around and do things. You have a measure of health to be able to do all these things. Do you know that some people are eaten away each day by cancer? Do you know that some people have their legs hung up for a year in the hospital? Do you know that some people exist completely on a life-support machine? These are terrible diseases they bring people lots of pain each day. If you do not have a major health condition, you should be grateful.

3. Family: The family is the most neglected gift that we have. Its true that we are happy to have our mum, dad, sisters and brothers and the rest. For most people, because we have been with family members for a long time, we tend to show them less appreciation. But the truth remains that some people do not have anyone to call a family. They are left to themselves. Some people are the only child of their late parents. They do not have the comfort and care of close family members. There are people whose family are wiped in an accident and they are the only ones that survived. But you, if you still have family members that care for you and come around whenever things are not going fine for you. If you still have your parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and extended family members, you should be grateful.


Our problems may overwhelm us so much that we loose sight of the good things happening in our life. Learn to be observant and appreciate what you have. A grateful heart is good medicine. A grateful heart does not complain about their lot in life or get jealous because of things they could not have. If you check very well today, you will be grateful for something you have which others do not have.

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Tell us 3 things you are grateful for. Or suggest other reasons why we should be grateful. Your relevant comment will earn you a small Steem bounty when this post pays out.

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That's right.
In this life, what we want to get is always in front of us and when we get it, we take it for granted. But my question is *do we always get what we want? *

Again first to resteem... first to reply... but not first upvoting... no problem... i upvoted your post
Good work

Thumps up

excellent post I liked the part that says Our problems can overwhelm us so much that we lose sight of the good things that happen in our lives.
thanks for sharing

Encantadora lectura!

@focusnow, Absolutely true but in my opinion most of the times people learn their lessons after losing something. Stay blessed.

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Courtesy: @julietisrael

I'm grateful for my home, family, and pets. What little I have left is very precious.

To many family is not a gift but the reason of all their problems. Any.idea how many children and women are sexual abused, molested, are humilated, mentally.broke and are the slaves of their family?

And if it comes to health... still be able to.stand up is and wolk some steps says nothing about your health if every step taken is painfull and your mind goes crazy.

Freedom... it is all what you see as freedom. Only a few people are really free.

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