Educate Our Beautiful Brain and Mind- Morning Quote #6

Mindset of Greatness

Good morning everyone!
I'm grateful for being alive today, I am grateful for having chance to breathe again, I'm grateful for the fresh air and I'm grateful for having time to write this motivational writing.

As everybody given brain and mind, we have to be grateful for that gift from God. One way to give thanks for this present is to give our best effort to use those things wisely and properly.

Brain is the most beautiful creation. We could filter the good and the bad, differentiate the quality and quantity, we could learn, describe, compare and so forth.

Then why most of us so sluggish enough to take advantages from these tools?

We still indolent to read, searching for the source of information, finding a true answer, studying is not our first priority, and the worse thing is the one who claims that education is not that important because at the end you just need your skill to work.

Well, I remember what Nelson Mandela said then, "Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world".


What I understand about the "Education" word meaning here is not only the school or university system, it is far more than that. Anything about improving and increasing our knowledge is categorised as education.

From this statement, it is clear that, everything is started from education.

To build a great country you need to learn, to build a modern transportation you need to learn, to build a house you need to learn, even the very simple thing to make a cup of hot chocolate you are absolutely need to learn too.

It's not about ignoring your skill or ability, but it is about giving chance for those two things to have a practical place to be more expert in their own role.

We can't just rely on that skill without improving and practicing, because a knife without grinding down, it absolutely wouldn't be sharp as we wish. So does the education.

"Educate ourselves, when a question about a certain topics pop-ups, find it, search, search, search. When something sparks our interest, read about it, read read read. Study, learn, and stimulate our brain. Don't just rely on the school system, educate that beautiful mind of ours".


This is simple by powerful advice. Education and knowledge are often over looked in the pursuit of money and pleasure. I would also emphasize to seek specialized knowledge. Nevertheless, I like your advice about consuming everything you can get your hands on!

Yes it is @jfitmisc, sometime we are too selfish to see things. Anything we do is for money purpose, including education. We didn't realize that actually education is not that expensive, everything around us could be a source of information to educate ourselves, what we need to do is learn learn learn and read read read.
Thanks for stopping buy buddy!

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