What Makes A Professional Excel?

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


Anyone can reach high levels in whatever field he or she is into. Normally, there are people who constantly diminish themselves when they compare themselves to their peers. They use the usual excuse of stating that others are born with essential abilities.

However, everyone has the potential to perform certain activities with the same dexterity of others that supposedly have advantages. And I’m going to prove it to you.

There are athletes that show great abilities at an early age, but as long as they progress in their sports, other athletes outperform them. Thus, it just tells us that success is not entirely tied to inborn skills we are born with.

The same thing occurs with other fields. We see many individuals who at the beginning lack of the skills, but with time they improve and get better at what they commit themselves to do.


The key

Practice is the key. Athletes have to do it all the time even in periods when they are not competing. That’s the secret. It is not enough with dominating your area, you need to keep improving. That’s what differentiates extraordinary people from the rest.

If you take a look at some professional basketball, we realize how few are able to stay on top, to be consistent in their performance, displaying even new qualities as they get older. And we can attach this premise to other professionals.
An educator, for instance, can manage to improve his students by searching and using innovative strategies. IF a teacher is just happy with what he or she already knows, how progress and even evolution can be attained?

It’s a constant process of improving; to never be completely satisfied, to find challenges and overcome them.


Learning from ourselves

When we reach a high level, the best teacher we can have is ourselves. In that stage we can see our performance with the lens of a teacher, and realize those key points that need improvements.

This is a process that sometimes happens unconsciously because we have been focused on our field, which allows us to comprehend better the ins and outs of our own work.

Of course, there are always good insights that can come from external sources… from people have taken the same path and encountered problems. Their experiences can be rewarding and useful.



I’d like to finish this entry by highlighting some great points, hoping that you can consider them:

  • Always practice what you do.

  • Never settle down with what you already know or are capable of doing.

  • Keep in mind that there are people in your downline that are constantly improving.

  • Being born with natural skills doesn’t guarantee success.

  • Innovation boosts your performance.

  • IF you lack of skills, work harder every day. Most of the time you just need to make a little extra effort.

  • Focus more on your weaknesses, but never neglect your strengths.

  • Improving everyday will keep you in the corresteemitbloggersct path for excellence.

  • Quality is reached through recurring learning.


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