C&C Serial # How Well You have Understood about Islamic Education

Dear Steemians
May be some of the readers will ask, what's wrong with the term Islamic education? is not he the same as the concept of education generally? Or he does have a separate concept or how well you have understood about Islamic education? From that questions, was born of my idea to write and complete your understanding of Islamic education. And hopefully, you can enjoy and understand what I will share with all of you.
First of all, to convince you as a reader of this article, I will introduce myself briefly. My name: Muslem, I come from: Aceh – Indonesia. My last education was the master of Islamic education at the State Islamic University - Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.. And I have chosen concentration on Islamic education. Hope this is a reason for you to continue reading this article.
I confirm that Islamic education is a concept and it is a discipline in itself. And if asked the question, whether he is different from the concept of general education ??? So, I firmly replied, YES
. Let's see and complete the topic of Islamic Education discussion. Oh yea, the term Islamic Education, I mentioned with IE.
View IE with Philosophy perspective

YES, to make it easier for you to understand this IE concept. Because I am very confident, the education by definition you really understand the meaning of education itself, but it will be a blurring of your understanding to understand the term education when bound with Islamic terms. Therefore, I will begin by philosophy discipline perspective to facilitate it and provide a concrete understanding of IE.
Every discipline, can only be called a discipline of science, if it qualifies science as a science. Terms are the object of study, both material objects and formal objects. Thus, every science must have material objects and formal objects including the discipline of this IE. Next, what is Material Object and Formal Object ???
Material Object
The object of material is the object of study or investigation or subject matter. The material object includes everything that exists, whether something concrete (physics) such as rocks, wood, animals, plants, humans, planetary objects, and so on, or something abstract like ideas, spirituality and values.
Formal Object
While the formal object is the point of view and perspective used by a researcher in researching or studying material objects. And this formal object distinguishes one branch of science with another.
So, the material object of a science can be “same”, for example: Human (Material Object), but the perspective (Formal Object) used to study and understand human, can be psychology, sociology, politics, economics and anthropology. Differences in perspective or point of view is what distinguishes the product of a science.
Efforts to simplify your understanding, I will give you another example: please see and note the image below:

Coconut tree as material object.

and someone who studies the coconut tree can focus its attention or perspective (formal object) to count the fruits, stems, and leaves to be made into brooms and sell them. Conditions like these, researchers are using a an economic perspective.

Other researchers will focus on how the coconut grows fertile, whether it is suitable to be planted on a particular land, Conditions like these, researchers are using a Agricultural perspective.

Other researchers will direct their attention to the elements contained in the coconut, starting elements of stems, leaves, and fruit. Conditions like these, researchers are using a Biological perspective.

Other researchers, questioning the status of land ownership or land where the growing coconut grows, Conditions like these, researchers are using perspective of law science, and so on.
Thus, it becomes clear to you and us that IE (Islamic Education) as a scientific discipline also has the object of study, both material objects and formal objects.

I will discuss further on the next article. I will make it in serial form so you will be more relaxed and enjoy my writing. And I hope do not be too quick to draw conclusions about the object of the IE study from the example I gave above.
Furthermore, I also open space for us to discuss, especially for those of you who focus on education or education of Islam.
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May be Useful

Furthermore, I also open space for us to discuss, especially for those of you who focus on education or education of Islam.
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