Education Is Everywhere

Hi there. I wanted to make an education post on how education is everywhere and is not limited to classrooms.

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  • Education Outside Of Traditional Schools
  • A Look At Some Educational Places Outside Of Schools

Education Outside Of Traditional Schools

When it comes to school, many of us think of public and private schools from kindergarten to high school and then to colleges and universities. Schools also include:

  • Dance Schools
  • Sports Academies & Schools
  • Language Learning Centres
  • Martial Arts & Self-Defense Schools And Academies

Education is not just confined to classrooms as it is available in places such as workplaces, at home and even at restuarants. Educational opportunities include:

  • Training For The Workplace/Career
  • Homeschooling
  • Cooking Tutorials
  • Travel
  • Food & Culture
  • Educational TV Shows
  • Online Blogs, Steemit, Reddit, etc.

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A Look At Some Educational Places Outside Of Schools

This section looks at some of the educational places as described earlier in more detail.

Dance, Sports and Martial Arts Schools

A lot of these hobby and phsyical activity type of schools are targeted towards children in the form of after school and summer programs. As most of the customers are young children coming home from school, many of these schools are designed to be fun, interesting and educational.

In general, hobbies that are focused on physical activity are good for health, confidence, self-esteem and well-being. Schools under the dance, sports and martial arts type incude:

  • Karate
  • Soccer/Football
  • Volleyball
  • Hip-Hop Dance
  • Ballet
  • Basketball
  • Judo
  • Taekowndo
  • Running
  • Kickboxing / Muay Thai
  • Swimming
  • Tennis

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Language Learning

As we are now a more connected global society, language learning is still in high demand (especially in Canada). Businesses have offices globally and do businesses with others around the world. In the Toronto area, language courses are offered through a language centre or within universities. Language learning courses from these places include:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Italian
  • Hindi
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Portugese

Some language centres offer courses in a wide variety of languages while some are more specialized and focus on one or two languages.

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Workplace Training

In a lot of workplaces, training is provided for employees to help them do their tasks. In theory, good training will lead to error-free and high quality work which will then lead to good customer service and a good bottom line.

Workplace training is provided within the company or it is provided from a different education company.

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Grocery Stores

In grocery stores, you can discover some new things here and there from different cultures. From my experiences in Toronto, the asian grocery stores carry a lot of products from Asia, and many of the fruits are from Asia, Mexico and Latin America. You get to learn where some of the food on the store shelves come from.

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Eating, Dining & Restaurants

Dining out can be a fun and interesting experience. For those who are adventurous with food, trying out different food items from different culutres can open your mind and mouth to new flavours and new dishes. You may find new favourite foods when you try something new and delicious.

Examples of new dining experiences include:

  • Using chopsticks
  • Buffets
  • All You Can Eat Sushi
  • Eating With Hands
  • Korean BBQ
  • Hot Pot
  • Dimsum
  • Street Food
  • New baked goods

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Great post! Just as you say, education is everywhere and now that it went online is is becoming a huge business as well! Thanks for sharing!

It is interesting to see how education is changing with the technology! I becomes more open and accessible but does it become better ? I don't know!

Technology has definitely expanded the education industry. There is more competition in this space which is good for consumers in terms of (increased) quality and lower prices.

Does it become better? Yes and no. Education is run by the people in charge of it whether it is online or offline.

Yes, with online courses and the internet, education certainly evolves :-) However this is an unprecedented moment in human history when the education is available to all the people. This is I believe the best reason for having hope about the future of humanity :-)

You are right, education is really everywhere, and every day and every time we learn something new.

I believe that a good education is a key to a successful future. Therefore, I always take it seriously and responsibly. Although problems also happen, as in every student. I'm preparing to work in a specialized subject for the academy. I write about freedom of speech and this source helps me with this. The examples helped me better form my opinion and gave me inspiration for writing.

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