Why should we encourage reading in children from an early age?

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

We must encourage children to read, from a very early age, we start from our house with images to go associating the words with the figures and, as they grow, they are adding a method more in line with the age. In this way, we promote reading and studies in the future.


In the House:

  • One of the important things is to allow the child to manipulate the books, look at them, see them as a toy.


  • We must teach by example, if the child sees us read, they will also want to do it.


  • Read aloud, is ideal, encourage with questions, in this way the child is related to reading and is part of it, so the books should be simple, easy to understand and not lose interest.


  • Create reading sites with different materials; (stories, puppets) as accessible to them and according to their age.


  • Another thing that encourages reading is to give books or take them to buy for them to choose.


  • Take advantage of every occasion to show them the appropriate or inappropriate behaviors that they can infer in reading.


  • It imitates the characters of the stories, it is another strategy and very fun for them and it helps them to maintain interest.


  • Create stories with drawings made by themselves or photos of relatives, where the protagonists are them.


  • Make puppets, easy to use for them and tell your own stories.


We will continue with other strategies for the school, in a next publication.


Realmente desde muy pequeña me relacioné con los libros para colorear, que a su vez contaban historias, he amado los libros toda la vida. Realmente es cierto que el habito comienza desde la más tierna infancia. Gracias por compartir @deisip67

Hola @isabellavado, por tu comentario, si es muy importante incentivar desde muy temprana edad el amor por la lectura.

Reading is the most important skill we can teach our children. It enables them to access everything in our world.
I am so pleased that you point out we should lead by example, put the phone down and pick up a book. Our children will follow our example. I have quiet reading time in my classroom everyday, during that quiet reading time I also pick up and read a book to show the children that I am invested in reading also.

Hello @jmcmeekin, thanks for your comment, what you mention is excellent leave the phone and take a book, people concentrate on the phones and leave aside the most important reading and exchange moments.

Hola @deisip67, muy interesante tu post y para quien este interesado en este tema le sugiero el libro de Doman Glenn "Como enseñar a leer a su bebe"; desde muy tiernas edades se pueden aplicar estrategias que permitan cultivar el amor por a lectura.

Hola @francisbejarano, gracias por tu comentario y compartir con nosotros el nombre de este libro, muy interesante.

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