Profile of the Second Stage student
To achieve learning according to the demands of today's world, it is extremely important to know the processes of operational thinking and the psychological characteristics of students.
Next we will study the most outstanding aspects of each stage degree, although the chronologies can not be considered strictly and have only an indicative value, in general they show characteristics that identify each group of children.
Fourth grade
- The evolutionary equilibrium begins
- Areas of interest and preferences grow
- Eagerness to protect the smallest children
- Qualify peer groups.
- Development of the self, through the groups of friends.
- Susceptibility to stimuli
- Begin to leave the fantasies to be located little by little in a more real world.
- It stands out for its receptivity to see and hear.
- He loves the game and the sport.
Fifth grade
- Intellectual maturity
- Approaching us to consider us.
- Willing to learn with a good motivation.
- Apt to memorize and classify elements.
- You have short and intermittent periods of attention.
- He does not care about the past or the future.
- Open to communication and minimal gestural language.
- Recognize the value of conscience
Sixth grade
- He likes new experiences
- They like to investigate
- They are restless and conservative
- It's spontaneous
- Appreciate group work
- You need a specific guide
- He feels more sure of himself.
- He is enthusiastic
- He behaves better at school than at home.
The children of this stage ...
They prefer:
- Smiling teachers, who do not shout when they get angry, who are impartial and patient, who allow them to speak in low voices, who are insightful, who convey interest and demonstrate firmness.
They have:
- Inductive reasoning, generalizations derived from concrete.
- In operations, you can classify grouping into classes and order the objects in a series.
- In the thought process depends on the real and concrete world.
- Decentralize, concentrating on two aspects at the same time.
- They coordinate taking into account two aspects of the same thing, for example, form and quantity
- Return to the starting point a problem, canceling the effect of an operation.
- They compensate the effect of an action through a reciprocal action.
Greetings to all and working for a better education
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