Tips on how you can improve the study process

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Wanting something is not enough, you need to know how to get the things you want, which implies strategies. Many of our students have the attitude in which they wish to study, but they simply can not get to the point where they begin to absorb information, or sometimes they simply are not in the necessary environment.

In the dictionary we find that studying is defined as: "exercising comprehension to achieve or understand something".

There are many factors that can help us and our students to study better, or be willing to do so. I would like to discuss some with you:

The view:

Sometimes the problem is as simple as correcting one’s eyesight. Ideally, one should be tested by an optometrist at least once a year. Symptoms such as headaches, red eyes, repetitive blinking, and blurred contours are often indications of eye problems, problems which hinder the learning process.

Eye fatigue:

Often, we put too much tension in our eyes and even if they are in perfect condition, forcing them has its price. Rest your eyes at least every 40 minutes by closing them or moving your focus to distance. Eye fatigue makes one feel tired and disinterested when studying.


Natural light is better than artificial light. Light should also enter from the side opposite to the hand with which you write, so as not to create distracting shadows. Again, lighting effects eye sight and in turn, eye sight effects the rest of our bodies.

Body posture:

To ensure a healthy blood flow and relaxed muscles; Correct body posture is the key. The feet should be flat on the floor and the spine straight.


A calm and quite atmosphere is necessary to prepare the mind for the information it is about to receive, that’s why many prefer to study at libraries.

Deciding on oral or silent reading:

Silent reading is usually done faster, but oral reading is the auditory reinforcement that helps with greater concentration and retention. According to your characteristics and the difficulty of what you are going to read, you will choose the one that suits you best.

Know your grammar and punctuation:

Like a route in which traffic signals guide the driver, the score marks the pace, speed and pauses of the reader. If you learn to respect them and comply with their instructions, your reading will be easier to understand and absorb.

Know your word brakes/pauses when reading too:

For example -
Advancing words: in addition, also, for that, ...
Pause words: because, especially, ...
Brake words: but, instead, contrary to, ...

To apply motivation of the above words, use the traffic light method, that is–words that indicate an advance are indicated with the green (go), words that guide you to pause are indicated yellow or orange (pause)and words that hint at stopping, are displayed as red (stop).

Last but not least, other influences that can interfere with studying is motivation and concentration. Motivation is fundamental to achieve the desired success. Along with motivation, one needs a good ability to concentrate and memorize - which is the ability to correct, retain and remember information and experiences.

Sources of images:

Sources of information:

  1. The study
  2. Want, power and know

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Thank you for allowing a member of the @blue-pencil team to edit this post for you.

Apt..... Thanks for this wonderful piece. I wish every student will see this.

Oh, thanks for this comment, I'm proud

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