Celebrating "Teacher's Day" in Venezuela

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

January 15 National Teacher's Day


Every January 15, the National Day of the Teacher is celebrated, which was decreed by General Isaías Medina Angarita in recognition of the struggles initiated by the Venezuelan Teachers on January 15, 1932, when in the midst of the Gomez dictatorship, a group of educators They formed an association to defend the labor rights of teachers andimprove education in Venezuela.

We celebrate this date at school with many activities carried out by the students, during a week. Where all the grades participate, remembering how it was today.

Monday 11/13/16

  • National anthem
  • Words from the School Director
  • History "TEACHER'S DAY" by 6th grade students
  • "Teacher Values": by sixth grade students
  • Reading by 5th grade students: "Be a teacher"
    Background song: COLOR OF HOPE
  • Actv. Classroom: write a message for the mural.
    "Teachers, we love you because ..."

TUESDAY 12 / 01/2016

  • "Teachers, we love you because ..."
    Participation of students 3rd, 2nd, 1st.
  • Creating a mural
    Background song: "COLOR OF HOPE"
  • Actv. Classroom: paint your teacher.

WEDNESDAY 13/01/2016

  • Phrases and poetry. Participation of 4th grade students.
    Background song: "COLOR OF HOPE"
  • Contest of portraits made by students Who is who?
    cartelera maedtro.jpg

    Actv. Classroom: Preparation of a card.

THURSDAY 14/01/2016

  • 1st and 2nd stage students' awards (one per grade) the best portrait.

    ganadores de DIA DEL MAESTRO.jpg

  • Surprises

  • Delivery of recognitions to teachers by a group of students.
    Background song: "COLOR OF HOPE"

FRIDAY 01/15/2016
Day of vacation: DAY OF THE MASTER

Prayer of the Teacher
Lord God, give me serenity
To accept each child as
You have created it, the value for
Guide him lovingly
Towards your steps, and faith so that
Grow in your grace.

"Be a teacher"

Being a teacher is an art, a profession and a vocation:
An art, because each group, each child, needs a variation, an adjustment and a personal attention, which demands sensitivity, flexibility and originality.
A profession, because you must know who the children are and how they develop, and, in addition, you must know about reading and writing, mathematics, science, etc. You must know many strategies and methodologies and be clear about your vision of the world and your role as a teacher.
But, beyond this, you must have the necessary vocation to visualize that your job is to contribute to the formation of a person who must face his own challenges and learn, who comes to school with his soul, heart, mind and spirit willing to be the best. Each teacher depends, within the school environment, how much progress, and when he learns

Teachers, we want them because...

• Every day they teach us with love and open the doors of their hearts ...
• They understand our limitations and help us overcome them ...
• They make us travel with imagination to the world of stories and fantasy.
• They teach us to trust in our own strength ...
• They are happy with our progress ...
• They give us a little kiss when we get hurt and we miss mom ...
• They comfort us if something scares us and show us that there is nothing to fear.
• They make us feel important ...
• For all this and much more, we want to say: "THANKS!

Famous quotes:

  • "A teacher works for eternity: nobody can predict where his influence will end" (H.B. Adams)
  • "The good teacher makes the bad student become good and the good student becomes superior" (Maruja Torres)
  • "He is not a better teacher who knows more, but he is the one who best teaches". (Vanceli)
  • "The best teachers are those who know how to become bridges and who invite their disciples to cross them". (Nikos Kazantzakis)
  • "The supreme art of the teacher consists in awakening the enjoyment of expression and creative knowledge". (Albert Einstein )

It's at school another mother
who guides with their advice;
is an expert seeder
of noble knowledge;
It's a gentle hand that guides
and it is light that illuminates paths.
It is, in short, the teacher,
warm and tender bunch
of kind patience
and of maternal affection

My mother gives me life,
my father gives me sustenance,
and the school teacher,
cultivate my understanding.
To my beloved teacher,
who gives me his science,
your love and your care,
with infinite patience.
I offer my gratitude
and my love without story,
why full of beauty,
to my poor knowledge.

Greetings to all, working for a better education.


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