Finding Blessing in Education

Dear steemians. How are you today? I hope you are good. Today I want to share about Finding Blessing in Education.

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Education is not just talking about quality by numbers alone. But there are other things that are far more important. Basically, education is concerned with how we can humanize humans. That is educational institutions should be able to make the human child into a whole human beings both in terms of physical, mental, and behavior. This is in line with the main objective of education in Indonesia that makes the students become cautious to God Almighty.

Being human fear of God Almighty is the ultimate goal and the most important of the Indonesian education system. After that just lead to the behavior of having an honest attitude, responsible, integrity, and other attitudes and behaviors. Both goals are part of character education. Character education is very important in school. Once the characters are able to be applied then the next educational goal is able to educate students who are highly competitive in science and technology, social, and engineering.

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Nevertheless, many schools that assess the success of learners viewed in terms of mastery of the field of science. As a result character values tend to be overlooked. This causes the main goal of education is not achieved as expectations. This condition causes the character of the nation to be a bet. Many people are smart but not character. The result is a large-scale corruption event. Therefore, character education should be improved in school learning.

As one of the formal schools, SMA Negeri 7 Lhokseumawe implements character education on all learners. Including when learners final grade will participate Computer-Based National Examination (CBNE) in 2018. In order to obtain the blessing, all students pray to God Almighty in order to gain fluency in the follow CBNE. Given 100% of the students are Muslims, then the concept of praying using Islamic rituals.

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In the event, all the students of the final class follow the activities of Wirid Yasin, tausiah, and prayer solemnly. The event took place at the building of State Senior High School 7 Lhokseumawe. The activities of Wirid Yasin and prayer are led by the students themselves. While tausiah delivered by the principal. All the participants looked very solemn in praying. There are even some students who shed tears. This is because they are deeply moved by the event.

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The main purpose of these activities is to ensure that students are fluent and able to follow CBNE well. In addition, to gain blessings in following CBNE. This blessing is very important considering the struggle will be in vain if it does not get blessing Allah SWT. It is also a part of character education. The students are educated to have the character that everything goes can not be separated from the will of Allah SWT as the Lord of the universe. Thus, students will always act in religious rules so as not to conflict with the teachings of Islam.

Thank You, @darmawanbuchari


pembentukan karakter peserta didik melalui kegiatan pengajian, agar terus apat berjaln kontinu sahabat @darmawanbuchri. salam @mukhtrilyas

Betul pak. Ini hanya salah satu kegiatan pembentukan karakter siswa.

One thing that can not escape from the real time which had run well a few yeas ago. Good activity.
@saifulyusuf to @darmawanbuchari

Yes, friend. Thank you for your attention.

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