preschool children and giving to the elderly community

Part of our community is the residents in Nursing Facilities. These people have done so much for the communities it is time to do something for them.

Think of something preshoolers could do for our elderly citizens was not that hard. A lot of people in the Nursing Facilities have no family in the area or they have no family members left. So to help this community of people the best thing we could think of was giving them some time.


So what we did was teach the children Christmas songs to sing and make Christmas cards to pass out to the residents. We loaded up the bus with the children and teachers and went to the nursing facility. The dining room was set up for the children to sing for the staff and Nursing home residents. After the concert we took the children room to room handing out the christmas cards they had made.

I know there is other ways to teach the children about giving to the community they live in. We have done food drives to get food for the needy. But as a different way to do for the community we decided the children made cards and the children singing to the residents brought smiles to the faces at the nursing facility.

Nursing facility resident are our past history makers and should be remembered as part of our present community. So many times these people are forgotten. Giving your time and the childrens time to our elderly can brighten a lonely day,bring a smile to their faces.

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