Dealing with Parents

Did you ever have one of those parents that they think their child is the only child in the classroom. I have been dealing with this partent since Thanksgiving week.

The request are not somethings we can really do.

The mother wants us to let the child to have food when ever she looks hungry. We give the children 2 snacks and lunch. She also wants us to let her child drink out of baby bottles. We do not allow one year olds to drink from bottles at the preschool and it is written in the parents handbook.

The mother wants to not let any boy children play with her child. We all know that is not going to happen. We can not stop a one year old from playing with another child based on sex or race. This also written in the parents handbook.


Now the child is a nice child but has days when they take toys and pinch or scratches other children hurting them. The mother always says it's the other childs fault. I know how the mother act is not the childs fault. But there has got to be a way to get the mother to understand we can not change the rules for her.

We have also had other parents complain about her and are not using the business she wears a uniform for. It makes me sad for the company she works for.

When you wear a uniform with your oompany logo on it you might not be at work but you are still representing the company you work for.

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That's a shame. I hate to see parents act entitled like their kid deserves better other kids even though they should all be equal. That is true that is you have a uniform on you are still representing your workplace and can hurt their image with bad behavior.

People don't think their actions affect other people and those actions hurt other people. One thing that has came from her behavior is we are no longer allowed to take phone calls from the parents while we are in the classroom. Our time is suppose to take care of the children and not be hounded 4 times a day by this parent. So now we only get the lip lashing at morning drop off and pick up.

En latinoamérica, con mayor precisión en méxico, en todas la escuelas de nivel primaria e incluso en nivel secundaria, se vive esto todos los días.

Muchas madres, desean que sus hijos sean tratados sobre encima de los derechos de los demás, aquí se viven situaciones respecto a la posición económica de las familias, en una escuela podemos estar compartiendo con gente de escasos recursos o bien con una posición media alta.

Y es así como muchos quieren que sean tratados sus hijos, siempre esta la madre que justificara que su hijo nunca agrade que todos los demás agreden, la madre que pide se le ponga mas atención a su hijo por el niño o la niña lo requiere.

Desde de mi punto de vista son los primeros episodios que le demuestran a un niño a pedir mas alla de lo que merece, a discriminar por el color, la constitución o el nivel económico, si a nuestros hijos no les enseñamos a que deben de compartir el mundo con otros niños, siendo adultos, pensaran o sentiran tener mas derecho sobre los demás y todo debido al trato y la educación que vivieron en sus primeros días.

Entre las naciones como entre los individuos, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz.

Nuestras pautas son que cada niño sea tratado de la misma manera. Tratar a otro niño de manera diferente es discriminación. Personalmente siento que todos deben ser tratados de la misma manera. Pude ver a un niño siendo tratado de manera diferente por razones de salud. Pero que un padre exija que su hijo sea tratado como especial es una forma de discriminación contra los otros niños.

How true. Our behaviours reflect when we are not at work too. There people like your badly behaved mother in every group. They can be a royal pain.

I have a real problem dealing with parents behaving in this matter. I common phrase we hear from this parent is the parent is always right. that mindset only goes so far. We can not nor will I treat any child different than another child.

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