in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Dogs, cats, horses and other bigger animals become so common to the eyes that we have become so familiar we tend to take them for granted. But bugs fascinate children because they are small creatures and are designed differently especially in the legs department. Those bigger animals have 4 legs, well, most of them. That fact is also common and familiar to us. But bugs have more than 4 legs. In fact, some of them have 6 legs and even more!


Wouldn’t it fascinate you if you see a dog with 6 legs? I bet it would! But I could not think of any big animals, wild or domesticated, with more than 4 legs. Have you? Well, please let me know.


After this lesson, children will:

  1. Know different bugs and their characteristics.
  2. Understand why and how they are made the way they are.
  3. Design a robot model of a six-legged bug and simulate its movement.
  4. <<< add your objectives here >>>


Animals big and small have existed with different roles to play in this world. Each has its own purpose, unique characteristics and physical attributes. Animals are either predator or prey or both. They are part of what we call The Circle of Life. Animals’ physical attributes are either their weapons or their defense mechanism to survive in this world.


  1. Why are animals built the way they are created?
  2. How do animals defend themselves from predators?
  3. How does one’s physical attribute essential to an animal’s survival?
  4. <<< add your essential questions here >>>




Biology is a branch in science that studies the life of living organisms including their physical and chemical functions, development and structures. Zoology, however, studies the behavior of animals and their interaction with their environment, how they survive and how they propagate, among other things.

  1. Discuss and possibly explain why the physical structures of bugs are different from that of the bigger animals.
  2. Explore with the children how the unique design of these bugs help them survive from predators and how to hunt for their food.
  3. Discover how bugs differ from each other especially on the number of legs they have and how this is important.

Additional References on bugs:


All animals have physical attributes that have definitely a purpose based on their designs and structures. Most of the time, these physical attributes are a result of their environment to give them a fighting chance of survival and feed themselves.

Let the kids bear in mind that when they design their robot model, it must conform with its surroundings and natural habitat.


Surely more legs means faster mobility. Having more legs also allow these bugs to get hold firmly and grab things more than having lesser number of legs. This fact also means that they have stronger lifting abilities and that they can carry weights heavier than they weigh, as in the case of the ants.

<<< add your math applications here >>>


Terms to Know. Have students learn the following terms, find the definitions, using them in a sentence, determining the antonym of the terms, and other ways that the students will get to use the words. Real-world application is preferred. Add more words if necessary, according to your own students' needs.

survival, prey, predator, attributes, biology, zoology, <<< add your own vocabulary words here >>>


All creatures are created equal. Equal in the sense that they all have the ability to hunt for food, defend themselves from predators, and survive.

With this in mind, showing respect to all creatures would be the kindest thing to do. Showing kindness by not bothering these bugs may just be the right thing to do to avoid retaliation.

We, humans, are created above all creatures, given the ability to reason, to think logically, and to think right.

NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS: Please add your contributions to the reply/comment section. You may choose which part of the lesson plan you want to contribute to effectively. If you feel there is a need to add another section, please do suggest, as well. Thanks to all contributors! Cheers!

Follow @cjclaro to get updated with this series.


Very good post, it can be useful not only for lessons to students but as a discussion topic for the family. It gives many ideas and things to further explore.

I have just one thing to say though, about all creatures are created equal. I am no expert in zoology/biology but the way I see things, there are weaker & stronger animals, some have the edge over others. Usually, the weaker ones balance it off with larger numbers. I understand the importance of teaching the value of equality but maybe this is not the best opportunity? Or am I missing the point?!

Thanks for a great article and inspiration, upvoted!

Thanks for making time to comment which means you are actually reading what I post. Equality is rather a relative word. When I refer to being equally created, I mean all animals have a chance to live and opportunities to survive. I would use the metaphor, "the circle of life" where everyone has opportunity on every angle. Sure some animals are weaker than others or stronger than others. But each one has unique attributes that allow them to exist and survive.

Equality, in this context, is more of a general attribution rather than focusing on a single aspect of existence. Thanks for the comments. I hope to see you in my next posts ;-)

Thank you.

Nice job likee your post!!

nicely doing budy

Good Monday! The morning doesn't begin with coffee? The morning begins with a lesson plan!

Thank you for another lovely project!
Have a nice week @cjclaro!

Great work, thumps up @cjclaro. Upvoted and Resteemed.

Algunas películas han motivado a tener miedo a algunos animales. Estas películas, impiden ver realmente lo que son: seres vivos que comparten el mismo mundo que nosotros, y que han estado por mucho más tiempo. Al reconocer todo esto, aprenderemos a valorarlos como lo que son y darles el respeto que se merecen

Aunque algunas arañas son peligrosas, no debemos maltratarlas, pues solo buscan defenderse cuando las molestamos. ME GUSTÓ L CALIDAD DE ESTE POST, @cjclaro

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