in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Religion characterizes society, it is said that even before birth we have this impregnated since the mother transmits to the son the religion that he professes.

But each of us has its own philosophy. Children who have not yet formed a representation of what the world is actually, their heads are filled with absurd beliefs that are grounded in the imaginary.


Luke 18:16
But Jesus, calling them by his side, said, Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; For of such is the kingdom of God.

Children are in the right age to be nurtured with the faith of Christ, because it is the age of learning.

The younger the people who make them believe things, the easier it is to believe them and it's true. Children often acquire knowledge faster than adults because their mind is free of so many things, it is the stage of life where the human being gets the foundation that will help them in the future to build more critical thoughts, in addition to adults As a source of learning and more if those adults are their parents.

Parents are usually given a special appreciation and incalculable respect so the child takes their parents as their guide and this is their main objective.


For an innocent mind it is obvious the path that must follow, the path that will not make you suffer for eternity and also the path that your parents follow. The perfect choice, but do children have enough maturity to understand all this? Obviously the answer is NO, for them there is only one option and therefore it is the one they take, there is no benefit of the doubt.

Children are the children of believing parents who take their children along the same path that their parents took them.

Children grow up and stay or depart from religion of their own volition.

Should children be educated with or without religion?

The question is why?; You have to teach the children to ask "why?". When they are told "because God commands and point" is a problem. Children should be free to ask, to doubt, to think, to question. Evangelism is also an issue that must be addressed by the institutions of lay states, and it is something that must be handled in school. The school must show diversity, promote values ​​such as respect and tolerance, show children that there are other religions, talk about the history of these religions. Also teach that there are other ways of life, that there are people who do not believe in a religion.


It is important that in these times that we live, the churches carry out different actions to guide the children; Whether in communities or schools.

"If philosophy does not help to improve life, it is of no use"

Brigitte Labbé

Source 1 2

[Book "On the Threshold of Life", author: Dr. Haroldo Shryock.]

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