Educate children through direct experiences | Part 7

in #steemiteducation6 years ago


The educational potential that these experiences offer allow the individual to observe in a different way, the daily contexts and at the same time to make contact with different materials, objects, people and social spaces, developing cognitive abilities.

Direct experiences provide the opportunity to explore, discover, appreciate and enjoy the environment, allowing you to search for new data and information.

These outings allow to expand the knowledge of children, being a privileged strategy, where it opens the way to direct contact with the real world, in an organized and educational way.

Direct experience in the public square.

It is based on children knowing the utility and care that should be given to the public square, knowing its name, location, characteristics, the most prominent elements in it and giving it the proper use it deserves, respecting and interacting with everything that surrounds it.


Children get so involved, in these experiences, that they are beneficial for their development as human beings, instilling a sense of responsibility. This exit has as its objective to encourage the preservation of the green spaces of the square, among which stand out: the plants and the lawn, giving them the attention they deserve. In addition to preserving the elements that compose it, such as: banks, floor, monuments and recreational area.

Objective of the experience in the public square.

  • That the child approaches the knowledge of the square, as a social space.
  • Observe the care that people give to public spaces.
  • The sensitization of children to the need to care for the social environment.

Function of the educator before the visit to the public square.

The educator must ensure that the schedule of the visit is conducive to observation; that is, an active schedule of the place, where it can be seen, if the plants are watered or if they wither due to lack of cleanliness, if there are people cleaning or walking the place, in this way they will verify the actions of the people, and They will know what should and should not be done.

Activities to be done by the children.

Children should be organized in small groups, to distribute the tasks.

  • The delivery of leaflets to people who walk through the square, promoting the interest of not throwing garbage into the environment, but is deposited in the trash, in addition to collecting what the animals dirty when they take them out for a walk, explaining that they should not step on the grass or plants, in no way write over the monuments. These are some of the things that should be considered to become aware.
  • Together with the educator, he must make a preliminary tour of the place.
  • They should observe, if there are animals in the square and if there is a place for the dogs to walk, even if the owners are responsible for cleaning the places that the animals dirty.
  • Identification of the name of the public square.
  • Observe carefully trees and plants, discovering to which people they care about this type of activities. In addition, verify what people do in the square and if care of it.

Suggestion: make it clear to children that they will only collect recycling sheets; Doing another type of larger activity can be risky. The idea is to make a symbolic gesture in front of those who do not take care of public spaces.

Activities to do in the classes after the exit to the square.

The educator should talk with the children about what is observed in the public square. Example: lack of cleanliness, care of the plants, dry grass, monuments painted with graffiti. This is to create awareness of bad actions and do something about it.

After the talk, a series of questions must be asked, trying to make the children understand the meaning of the exit, as direct experience.


What is the utility of the baskets in the square?
What should we do to preserve the public square in optimal conditions?
What are the ways to maintain hygiene in the public square?
What instruments can be used to provide information for the care of these social spaces?

The educator will ask the children to investigate about the plaza, so that they know a little more about the historical sites and public squares. for example: Who founded it and its importance ?. Educating about the creation of a place is important, to know why it was founded and what its purpose is. With the collected material the children will proceed to make an exposition of the subject.

The programming of a direct experience is to relate to the environment that surrounds us.

Greetings educators and motivators of education.


I have always thought that children's learning is more effective when they experience direct experiences, since these allow them to use their senses. It is not the same as a child to see a cow or a tree in a video, than to see it live and direct and in full color.

Very true, this allows the senses to develop and direct experience makes it more rewarding.

The square is the meeting place where children learn to share. What a good article, I like it. Greetings @cindycam

Hello, even if you have a child, it is a good practice to instill values in them.

great article i really like the idea to make a symbolic gesture to take care of public space.

Conserve our spaces, is to give value to the sacrifice and perseverance of those who created magnificent social spaces, for our delight. Then, we must take care to conserve them.

We need to apply all these tips. Especially with our children here in Venezuela. Cheers honey!

Yes, but for that, we must recover the spaces that have been damaged by people without a sense of responsibility for our environment.

hola amiga @cindycam excelente tema ya que el potencial educativo es una herramienta sumamente importante en los niños.

hola amiga @cindycam excelente tema ya que el potencial educativo es una herramienta sumamente importante en los niños.

Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around

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