Educate children through direct experiences | Part 27

in #steemiteducation6 years ago


The direct experiences generate an extraordinary learning, becoming the most powerful developer of stimuli and abilities, capable of creating autonomy in the individual, besides being a generator of new learning, it allows to reinforce the acquired knowledge.

These experiences are enriching and increase the capacity for reasoning, acquiring a sense of responsibility.

Direct experience in the veterinary clinic.

It pretends that the students acquire previous knowledge for the care of the animals. With this experience they will learn to value, care for, love and respect all animals, becoming responsible people who know the meaning of having a pet.


Being in the veterinary clinic will allow them to be veterinarians for a day and acquire notions that will help in any eventuality that may arise, developing a positive empathy with the animals.

Objectives of the direct experience in the veterinary clinic.

  • Promote respect for animals in students.
  • Sensitize children to interact with animals.
  • Promote the care of animals.
  • Generate an unconditional love for animals.

Function that the educator must exercise with the students so that the experience is satisfactory.

The educator should let the students know where they are going and explain that the work that is done in the veterinary medicine is important, beyond simple care, the welfare of the animals is ensured.

It is necessary for students to understand that animals are not toys, that they breathe, see and feel as human beings do. It is essential that they know that having a pet is a responsibility, that they must provide the necessary attention to keep them healthy and strong.

Activities of learning and fun in the veterinary clinic.

Education is important, and instilling values is part of that. Through direct experience, children will live a dream come true where they will be with the vast majority of their favorite animals.


Basic veterinary notions to be part of the activity. The veterinarian in charge of providing the knowledge prior to the care of the animals, receives the students and gives a warm welcome to the whole school group, mentioning the importance of all the animals and that they should always be provided with a good treatment.

It is recommended to that they must behave, so that they can learn and, therefore, have fun at the same time.

Tour of the animal area. It must be explained why the animals are in cages and because they are all in the same place, and although it seems to be an imprisonment, it is not so, it is to avoid the disorder in the room. There they are provided with food and care so that they can then go with their respective owners.

Students can experience what veterinary work is like and directly observe the care they have to provide to animals.

Reading and relaxation activity for animals. It is a strategy that is fun, this time, children should read to pets. They will receive the information, which although they can not understand everything that will be read to them, is a pleasant gesture and, in addition, as they like to be in the company of the people, they will be calm and attentive.

It is a way of having gestures with pets and in some way they feel affection. The children will have fun and feel that they are the teachers of the animals.

Examining the animals. Students will become small veterinarians, exercising the functions of physicians in this specialty. With the help of the veterinary guide, basic notions will be acquired to help animals that are vulnerable due to some disease.

This activity allows children to become humanized.

Hygiene in animals. Without a doubt, students will have fun, and they will learn that, like them, animals need to maintain a hygiene to always be with good aroma and impeccable appearance. That's good, for both humans and animals.

All the children will be part of the cleaning of the animals, one by one they will have the opportunity to clean them completely. This will create awareness of hygiene habits.

Feeding the animals. In this part it will be essential to make children understand that, like humans, animals also need to feed themselves to stay strong and healthy, therefore, they need a balanced diet. Not all animals eat the same, for that reason, it is necessary to provide a list of different foods for each type of animal, in the hours they should eat to maintain a diet according to their development. Explaining, that animals do not consume the same thing that a child can eat.

Activities to do in the classroom, when the direct experience in the veterinary clinic ends.

Knowing and being with the animals that are in the veterinary clinic is an enriching experience and with an educational value for the students.

When each experience ends, the educator is obliged to know the different points of view of the children. In this way, conclusions will be drawn about how favorable this experience has been and how it serves as a learning tool for student development.

Example of questions that can be asked:

Did you like going to the veterinary clinic?
Which was the animal that you liked the most?
Is the evaluation of the animals fun?
How do you feel about reading stories to animals?
Is hygiene important in animals?

Activities that can be done in the classroom:

The educator will ask the students to conduct an investigation of the animals they like most, or those with whom they had contact at the veterinarian, and even their pets.

The objective is to make an exhibition that shows the characteristics, how it should be the care, the food and any other point that you want to add to energize the class. This can be done through drawings made by themselves or taking their pets to the classroom.


The educator should never give up on a topic, there are always new things to learn and that is evident, it can be verified day by day.

Greetings educators and motivators of education.


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I love that kind of activities that motivate and make children learn more easily!

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