TIPS to make Maths Fun!!!
Mathematics at Home
Your home is a great place for you to begin to explore and talk mathematics with your child. Incorporating math activities and language into familiar daily routines will show your child how math works in his/her daily life and provide him/her with a safe and familiar environment that will make it so much easier.
Rhyme and Sing – Preschool.
All young children love it to hear, sing and say rhymes and songs. Counting rhymes and songs can be both enjoyable for them and introduce them to basic mathematical concepts, such as number names and how numbers follow in sequence.
What to we need?
· A book of nursery rhymes or songs
· Feather ·
How to do the exercise
Teach your child a easy counting rhyme for example: Six little Ducks It goes like this: Six little ducks that I once knew, fat ducks, skinny ducks, they were too. But one little duck with a feather on her back, she ruled the others with a quack!, quack, quack! Down to the river the all would go 1,2,3,4… all in in arrow. But one little duck with a feather on her back, she ruled the others with a quack!, quack, quack!
You should repeat the rhyme or song a view times, also give him/her the feather to act the part and lead everybody and when he/she can say the rhyme all the way through, have the other family members rhyme with him/her to make it more fun.
Lesson outcome
Ask your child to indicate the correct number of fingers by holding it up during singing the rhyme/song, to show that he/she understand the rhyme. Then have him/her hold up the correct number of fingers and count accordingly with you as you say each number.
There are a large variety of rhymes, songs and games that can be found in an education store near you or teach your child some rhymes that you can remember from when you where still his/her age. This will teach your child a new rhyme or song and it will bring back beautiful memories. Reference – Helping your child learning math.
Have fun rhyming and singing!!!!!!!!!
Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone
This is a raly fun way to learn the kids
Yes, I agree with you @joe007