My New Love...Parsley!

Petroselinum crispum, or as we know it, parsley, is used world wide for it's wonderful taste and amazing aroma. Parsley is usually added to food and some drinks, but before that, it was used for medicinal purposes. It has so many healthy components in it and only a few people know about them. Below, you'll find some more info about it:

All the healthy goodies: 

  • Sodium
  • magnesium
  • manganese
  • calcium
  • copper
  • iron
  • Potassium
  • Niacin
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Riboflavin
  • Folates
  • Pantothenic acid 
  • Pyridoxine 
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

Here are some amazing health benefits you can have from c

Want to look even more gorgeous? Parsley has the ability to retain your hair's natural colour, grow hair, remove dandruff and disinfect the scalp! But that's not all, parsley has anti-aging properties in it meaning that can help reduce wrinkles, and lines on the face. In addition to this, parsley stimulates cell reproduction, the production of collagen, has antibacterial and antifungal properties in it, disinfects pores and helps repair the skin. So, if you have acne, pimples, or you're wounded, all you need is the juice from parsley and they'll disappear and your skin will lighten up . 

There are some facial masks that you can make right at home and in no time you'll notice your skin becoming more smoother and blemishes just disappearing! & if you tend to wake up with puffy under eyes then this next tip can really help you. I'm sure we are all familiar with cucumber being able to reduce the puffiness under the eyes, but did you know that the juice from parsley can do the same? Parsley has goodies in it like vitamin K, vitamin C and chlorophyll, so when you apply parsley juice under your eyes, the juice reduces the puffiness! 

Parsley can be temporary cure for bad breath, so if your breath smells funky and you have parsley near by, grab it and start chewing it for a temporary fix! 

Parsley has fiber in it, and fiber helps food to move smoothly through your digestive tract and therefore can help treat indigestion and also regulate your cholesterol levels while also having the ability to treat diarrhea. 

Due to the fact that parsley has anti-inflammatory properties in it, it can help treat inflammation of the kidneys. But, even though parsley is able to help the kidneys when they're inflamed, it is not safe to consume too much of it. 

Parsley is also great at boosting your immune system because of the amount of vitamin C found in it. In addition to this, it has the ability to remove germs and excess water from the body. 

Parsley is great with providing you with iron and helping the body absorb it. & since you're losing blood during menstruation, it will be beneficial to your health to add parsley to your diet. 

Hopefully after reading about all the health benefits that parsley has for you, you will learn to appreciate it more than ever! 

Image sources: 

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