All Hail Gotu Kola!

I recently started taking gotu kola capsules because I had lost quite a lot of hair on one specific area of my head and I read that gotu kola has the ability to regrow hair. So, it has been a month now and shockingly the hair in that area has almost completely grown back. & seeing how fast it was in growing my hair, I became more than curious to find out what else this herb can do, so below is some more info about it!!

Gotu kola has the ability to stimulate enough oxygen to the brain, increase your intelligence, and improve your memory. But that's not all, it can also improve your mood! Gotu kola reduces your cortisol levels(stress hormone) and increases dopamine and serotonin levels(feel good hormones). & because it reduces your stress levels, it can also help lower signs of depression that one might have; and if you suffer from frequent anxiety attacks, then this amazing plant can help reduce the number of times you get them if not get rid of them completely. 

While consuming gotu kola, you'll notice an increase in your energy, you'll have more fuel to complete the rest of the day which is awesome!

When you're wounded or just had surgery, gotu kola has the ability to heal wounds fast while also getting rid of scars! It can also help fight bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections! Protecting the heart from diseases and regulating blood pressure is another plus that you get from gotu kola. 

Gotu kola is amazing at boosting blood circulation and stimulating blood flow throughout the body, while also strengthening the walls of blood vessels ( including the capillaries), preventing blood clots, and treating varicose veins. Some people have also found that gotu kola removes stretch marks, and treats psoriasis. 

Gotu kola has anti-inflammatory properties in it which can be useful when you work out. You can also get rid of toxins, salts, treat urinary tract infections, a cold, influenza, and cholera, then consume this for a healthy and natural way to get better. 

Gotu kola is great in the form of capsules, tea and tincture. But I prefer capsules because it's much more convenient for me but get whatever you like! 

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