in #steemiteducation6 years ago

They have found that when a star passes too near a black hole it is immediately eaten by the black hole. There are so many black holes, and we do not really know what the  reason is and we have learnt that they can really do some damage to  starts.

image source  

courtesy of you tube

 The feeding process makes a lot of energy and x rays when it does devour the star.    

" Pasham said. "The debate has been, where are these really energetic electrons coming from?" 
They think that when a black hole devours a star the energy shock make radio waves that make the energy. 
These radio waves would look dramatically different from the pattern  of X-rays created by the infalling stellar material. But the signal  Pasham and Van Velzen found in the radio is a 90-percent match with the  X-ray signal. 

 They think that the sources from the waves and x rays are linked and helping each other on.  

"It's not a coincidence that this is happening," Pasham said.  "Clearly there's a causal connection between this small region producing  X-rays and this big region producing radio waves." 
The new observations, which were published March 19 in The  Astrophysical Journal, may help scientists better characterize the  physics of jet behaviour. This, in turn, may help improve researchers'  understanding of how galaxies evolve. 

The rate at which the black hole is feeding is linked to the rate of the energy it is producing and that is why some are small and some are  so big.  

courtesy of you tube

I really hope you found this as interesting as I did and show it to children for them to better understand.

Have a wonderful day from me.


Very well informed of star black holes I really did not know.

Thank you my friend.

Funny! I was talking about the black hole yesterday and Clif High on the galactic pull of our solar system into the galactic center!

It is very interesting did not see that but would love to.

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