in #steemiteducation6 years ago

We are so inclined to think that one person cannot make a difference, but in this video we see that it is not always true.

We are so inclined just to go on and follow whatever everyone is doing, thinking that as one person we cannot make a difference.

Here is such a wonderful lesson to us all as this whole school stood together to thank this officer for his wonderful work he does at their school.

This is just one man being kind and looking after the children that he adores.

How many people can say that they have been able to make so many children in school happy?

This just brings us back to kindness and doing the right thing.

I have been writing for the last few days that kindness makes everyone happy. In this case it took a whole school that was so thankful for the way this officer looked after them that they went to a lot of trouble to try and thank him.

I am sure that his parents were excellent examples to him, or he would not have been able to be like this.

We as parents and teachers can teach our children how to become wonderful people. It is our job and it is also our life.

We ask for children, receive them with open arms but this is not where it has to stops.

This is a lifetime thing we have to do to teach our children how to live their lives the right way.

They follow us when they are small and see what we do. If we are not the way we want them to be, they become like us.

You cannot tell a child what to do and think that they will listen. They follow your example and when you do wrong things they will see and think that they can do it as well.
So if they are not really nice people, do not blame your children for doing the same as they see you doing it.

You might even ruin this child’s life, as they will not know better. I really hope that you realise how important it is to teach your children how to behave.

They must not just learn how to be good people; they must learn respect for their elders and other people.

Then there are other little things we also have to teach them. One is good table manners, how to do chores in the house and how to earn things before they just get them.

Bringing up children is a full time job that you must do with love and compassion.
We are so blessed to have children, but to teach them the right way to live is really something we must do every day.

Our children must also know that they can come to us with any problem they have and we will help them sort it out.


Sometimes we must ask them how do they think how the problem should be solved as this does teach them to think a little bit. When they are grownup they will not always have you around to help.

So this is so important to teach them how to work out a problem, or teach them how to work it out themselves.

Children should be children and have a wonderful childhood as well, because this is something that passes extremely fast. Therefore enjoy your children while you still can and have wonderful times with them.

But do not become parents who let their children just do what they want, as that will make nasty people of them.

You have to make sure that they do things the way you taught them.

I really hope you enjoyed this video as this is so beautiful to see a whole school say thank you to one man who does his best for all the children at school.

I really hope you have a wonderful day and may all your wishes be fulfilled.



Yes its the society first rule to give our child quality education to become a role model for a society.

Damn, I wish the kids right now were that nice to custodians..

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