in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

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We have done multiplication and adding; now we will do some subtracting. For some reason kids find it a little harder than adding but if they know their adding by heart subtracting become very easy. This first video is just for very small children.  It will teach them the basics of subtracting as toddlers. 

We always think that subtraction is difficult for our children. But if they are taught in the way, this lady teaches it will be very easy.  

 The most important thing is that the children must already know their adding factors. This is  for children a little older but it is so easy to see how it is done once they know their adding factors that they don’t believe it. 



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As in a previous post please never let children use their fingers as this can really become a problem. Once they know their adding factors the subtraction comes by itself.

It is so important to teach children that maths is not difficult the big problem only exist if they don't learn this all by heart.  When the basics is done well they will never have a problem. Hope you enjoyed these and have a fantastic maths day.

Video's courtesy of you tube



Very informative and interesting class for kids.. thanks for sharing.

Thank you appreciate the reply.

Love your educational posts, excellent, as always!

Thank you so much, have a nice day.

Hi bigbear :) Hope you had a GREAT day!!! We took Avery to dinner tonight (she just turned 6), she is in 1st grade. We were actually adding and subtracting with her at dinner and she would intern quiz us :) I asked her if her teacher is teaching her to count on her fingers and she said "yes". This is a good post for where she is right now - papa and I are going to work with her in hopes that we can get her to add and subtract without using her fingers .. I will keep you updated as you have been my go to for this .. Love you Friend!! SUNSHINE247

Thank you my dear friend. I am so glad you are going to help her. My husband taught maths for 30 years and he says once the don't have enough fingers and toes that is where they start struggling so help her and tell her happy birth day from me. Hope you read my post on the chinese bamboo tree it really I really think it is such a wonderfullway to see how we should live and why our children are miricles. Thank you so much missed your smile yesterday, may this day be a wonderful one for you.

Wonderful!!! I am headed out the door to have some fun with Avery and my Brother this morning - when I get back, I will hop over and read your post on chinese bamboo tree .. cant wait. SUNSHINE247

The videos have a very good. This will help the children to understand the question. Your post is very good.

My hero thank you so much.

‌‌‌thanks for this.
But you hero you are You put such a good post It sounds good to read.
We are very grateful to this. You continue to have success.

As always @bigbear you are a wonderful source of information for students! Learning math without fingers or calculators is very important in everyday life so your post is very helpful. Kids today too often use electronics to calculate so I would hate to think of what they would do it they didn't have such devices. We always need to know the basics to survive! Thank-you!!! :D

Thank you my dear friend, I agree with you when they learn not to use their fingers. We have a child who uses his fingers and toes and then he is lost. So now we are teaching him the basics and he is really doing well.

Great ideas! I was thinking of pulling card games into the mix to add a fun factor, but it is hard to find games that focus on subtraction.

That is true we must be miricle workers to make it understandable thanks for replying.

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