in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Luan was laying thinking in his bed, if there are so many factories in the industrial area, maybe he can visit more of them and learn about other things as well. 

He does love animals, but he will never be able to be a veterinarian as it would be too difficult seeing animals that are hurt. So he will ask his mother if there are any other factories that he might visit. 

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He was so excited and jumped up to lie between them in bed and find out what other factories there were. 

Luan was lying there and his mother tickled him. Here Luan was screaming with laughter and asked,what did you want to ask us. as there is something we want to tell you as well. 

Oh that sounds so great, what is it? 

No tell us what you wanted to know first. I was wondering if we have all these factories in our town are there not many more that we can go and see, it is so interesting. 

His mother said, it is so true I will find out today what other factories there are and we will then decide what you want to see. It sounds fantastic. 

We still have a whole week of holiday and we must do it before school start, as I know when school start there will not be any time for all these fun things to do. 

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His father laughed and said there is another reason, remember how badly you wanted a brother, well it seems we do have a baby on the way; we just do not know if it is a boy or a girl. 

Oh it is the most fantastic news ever, I am very happy, but just thinking it will be our own. Every time grandma comes to visit she always brings Aunt Yvette’s baby because she looks after it in day time, while Aunty Yvette is working. I so enjoy playing with him. 

Well in a while you will have a brother or a sister and that will change your life as you will have to share us with that child. Oh I do not mind at all you are wonderful parents and this baby will be as happy as I am. 

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They all got up then, and had a wonderful breakfast. You must keep an eye on your mother not to overdo things son, you know how she is. 

I promise I will do my best. If I do something wrong please tell me so that I can fix it I don’t know much about babies maybe you should take me to the library again and find a book on how little boys have to look after babies. 

That will not be necessary; we will help you all the way remember you will be the big brother. His mother and father looked so happy and they were very pleased with the new baby on the way. After his father left for work his mother sat down and started phoning the different factories. 

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Remember I told you we had a lot of farmers as well, this I did not know, but they even have a jersey factory here.  I think we should go there and see how this work, it sounds very interesting to me. 

After washing up and having breakfast they went off to the factory. 

Just like the previous time, all the people were very kind and took them to show them first how the sheep were shaved as this is where the wool come from that the farmers produce. Luan stood there flabbergasted at the rate they were shaving these animals and he knew they were not getting hurt. It was summer so they would not be cold either. Oh mother this is so much fun learning all these things. Thank you so much for bringing me.


courtesy of youtube          

He does love animals. Now he can see some sheep and what they will bring to us in winter time. This video will show you exactly how the factory works and I really hope you enjoy it as much as Luan did.

Luan said mom this is probably where they get wool to knit the baby clothes as well.  I am so pleased about the baby but we must now go and drink something that you can sit down a bit and rest before we go home.

I do not want dad to say I did not look after you.

He will not love, but I agree I am also thirsty now.

They left for a juice and then went home.



Dear @bigbear amazing post🤝

Thank you so much.

omg....what a beautiful story dear @bigbear
I like your post,,thanks for sharing,,,

Thank you for saying this I really am glad some people do like my stories.

resteemit me so chak my blog👉👉
Please my comments up vote later

@bigbear ma'am
For a second I thought Luan was your child. Such a beautiful story, and an easier approach to learning. This is amazing. I look forward to your next.

@bigbear really you make the things simpler to understand . It is such a good story . I really love luan. Thanks for sharing the knowledge . Waiting anxiously for your next post :)

well job dear @bigbear
good writing
good story 👌👌👌👌👌
I @resteem your post dear

great steemit training I thing

your movement is great continue.

Gread post Dear @bigbear..........
Your posts always amaze me.
Every time i see your post, i always feel happy and happy. Wonderful You Really lovet steem

great story and writing dear @bigbear.really you are a telanted writer thank you for shering. dear @bigbear i will naver forget you

wow...wonderful story dear @bigbear
i like your post,,,thanks for sharing,,

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