in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Today I am going on a sentimental journey.

I so wish that children could still grow up like we did. 

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I do realise some people will think it silly, but we really enjoyed playing all these games and we all felt like children. 

Being a real child is so very important to becoming a good nice grown up. 

courtesy of you tube

We did not have television, i pad's or other things to keep us inside so we spent most of our time outside. something we did that is really important we read a lot of story books and had to use our imaginarion.

We used encyclopedias to find facts as that was the only way we could do our tastks.

Children today can hardly read, and if they can, they mostly do not know after reading, what they read. That is why comprehension tests are so important. 

None of us struggled with this as I can remember lying in bed reading with a torch so that my parents would not know I was not sleeping yet.

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This is so important for children to read with understanding, and to us it was our fun time. 

I really am feeling a little sentimental to think that all these years had gone past, and today children can really not play like this anymore. 

Maybe we were less learned but we did our school work just like children do today. 

I for instance took ballet which was something else to do, but mostly we all took piano lessons or ballet and played a lot of sport. 

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What makes this sad to me is the fact that our grandchildren do not have this privilege anymore.  

They have to be careful of people wanting to steal them and there is just no way that you can let children play in the street and enjoy themselves anymore. 

I really do think that television and games made a difference but that is not the only reason why they have to be careful. 

We cannot send them to school on their own anymore. 

We have to take them there and all the teachers see that the school is locked up. 

When children are in school they are the responsibility of the teachers who have to keep them safe. 

In my days we use to either walk or ride a bike to school and I think that is the reason we really did not have so many health problems as were outside more than children can be today. 

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Life changes sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse. 

We have reached incredible height in the development of all the different technology and that is so good, but it would have been wonderful if children could still have been playing the way we were in those days. 

So show them this video and tell them how their grandparents grew up. 

I am sure they will think it funny as they really do not know half of these games that we so enjoyed.

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It is sad, but they will think we were silly for enjoying these things but that is what we truly did. 

Life has changed whether for the better or worse we have to accept it and just be thankful for all we had and still have.

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Thankfulness is one of the most important things that we can teach our children. I really hope you have a wonderful day from me.         

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