in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Today you are going to love this video; if we can teach our children what this man was teaching his child life would be wonderful.


I found this video with the most beautiful lesson that all children should see. Our children are so precious to us and this father found the most wonderful way to teach his son that life is what you make of it.
Teach your children to try and pick the right friends, and if they see that there are children who do not care about others they should try to teach them how.
Everyone has a diamond inside of them, the big question is have they found it or should you help them find it.

People are sometimes bad, but if you can show them how not to be like that, it would be wonderful, and you will also feel very good.

Helping others is one of the most satisfying experiences you will ever have and it will cost you nothing.


When we experience this feeling it is so wonderful that we want to keep on feeling like that.

We can do this at school as well as at home because for some reason small children always think that the teacher knows best.


Mothers cannot believe when their children go to school that they will hear the words, because my teacher says so.

So this is why we must have excellent teachers who we know are good people and will carry on with what we are teaching our children at home.

If we start early in life, they will not even think of doing something different as that will be how they were raised.


Remember raising children is a very important job. If you do not teach them how from a young age they will have trouble understanding later.

It will not be their fault but yours. So please be a good parent and teacher as one day we will have to explain why we did not do a good job of raising our children.

This is something that we have to do as when children are grown up and get into trouble, we will feel very sad and then it is too late.


Imagine you cannot help your child because you did not raise them the way they should have been.

There are so many people who really want children and cannot have any, so be thankful for your children and teach them all about having a good life like this father did.





wow what a great writing. Thanks for sharing dear.

Thank you for the compliment it is truly appreciated.

raising children wants a lot of labor. Thank you very much for your writing ...

That is so true, but it is a wonderful feeling to do so.

You have written very beautiful.

Thank you so much.

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