in #steemiteducation7 years ago

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Children are like small plant that you plant. You have to feed them nurture them love them so that they can grow. If you forget to water your plants they die, that is not what happens to children but they do become scared and wonder how to survive. 

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Children are just like this little poem says. Their parents bring them to school with a lot of confidence in the teacher that is why we must treat all children the same. 

Some need more nurturing as they do not always understand immediately what you are trying to teach them, but others need extra work as they understand very quickly. Give them something nice to keep them busy  so you have tim to help the slower one easier. 

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This is the way life works, we are not all the same but we are all human. 

If we are not all fast, it does not make us a bad person it just makes us different. That is why teachers should be very patient. 

I always say there are two jobs where the workers need their own children one is teaching the other is nursing. I have seen so often when teachers have their own children they have a total personality change towards the kids in the class. 

It is because they now know how it feels to have a child. It is such a blessing, and they will now treat their children in the class the way they want their children to be treated. 

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I personally find that children are wonderful, especially if they were loved and nurtured as babies. 

There is one bad thing that I have noticed lately. Maybe it is because we are not allowed to look after children the way we were when I was young. 

I did not let a child tell me what he wants to do and never stood for any tantrums. 

Now I do not know how to handle them as the law prohibits us from doing anything to a children like shout, or maybe a little bit of corporal punishment. The one thing I notice is all these parents who do just what their children want, I suppose it is to prevent tantrums and shouting from children, but being obedient parents will not teach a child to become a good person. 

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So somehow we must find a way of teaching children manners and being respectful without the law stepping in. 

I hope someone will come up with a solution, because I really do not have one and there are so many obedient parents lately that I really feel sorry for them. 

I see this in shops and places where parents cannot call time out as they are in a situation where this is impossible.

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So if someone has a good idea of how to teach children now, without punishment please tell me about it as I see so many children just doing what they want without any respect for older people.

 Hope you enjoyed my story and may you have a wonderful day.




As a parent it is really hard for us on where we should stand sometimes. Our standards may not be the same as other parents that it may end up us being criticized by others, think you are absolutely right in that every child is different,,,so every mother need to be prepared.
Upvote & resteem

Thank you for resteem and upvote you are very kind.

wow... any time i find my self here i know i will always see something nice to see.. train up a child the way he should grow and when his old he will not deviate from it...... i love it........ resteemed by me (GREEN LANTERN) REASONS WHY, YOU HELP SAVE THE WORLD TOO.
by @steve1122

Thank you for being so kind to me, and thank you for the resteem I really appreciate it.

Teaching a small kid is harder than teaching a class of senior high school students. Only a mother can do that because Mother is the best teacher in the world.

This is so true, mothers do try their best.

dear @bigbear.. i read your post..i liked it..
thank for sharing with us....

Thank you very much.

Thank you love your birds.

Yesterday I missed you a lot
very good job dear @bigbear
I like children
and follow mom and dad
I like your post dear
#I love your post dear

Thank you so much had a little problem with the internet so posted very late so sorry.

Children are follow
Their mom and dad
They will learn what they do
so parents should be careful with children
good job dear

Agree do your best, that is all we can do.

A helpful post
thank you for sharing
I loove this post so much
everyone should follow this
dear @bigbear

Very nice painting you have at your post.

Thank you so much for reading my post.

woooooooow nice post...I Like your post

Thank you so much I really appreciate you reading it.

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