in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

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There was a little boy, he just could not help it but he kept wetting the bed at night. 

He did not know what to do as his mother was so nice to him and really tried to help him. 

His mother said son, don’t drink late at night and if you do, please go to the toilet so that you do not wet your bed.


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The mother was really getting worried for this was a big problem for her. 

Her son could not go and sleep out with his friends as he had this problem, and she was scared that they would tease him. 

This was not a dumb little boy he was actually very smart, and because he could never go and sleep out with his friends he read a lot of story books. 

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This is so good for children, as when they read a lot they start understanding better what they are reading with knowledge. 

In time it gets so much easier and then they realise just how much fun it is. It was nearly the end of the year, yet the little boy was really struggling with his bed wetting. 

That night before he went to bed he wrote a poem for his mother. 

He was hoping it would make her feel a little better if he had an accident that night again. His mother knew he read a lot but did not realise how good he had become at it. 

If she had known she would have left him alone and just waited until he grew out of his bed wetting problem.

Mothers love their children very much, and do not want to see them hurt so they try everything to make life easier for their children. 

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This was the night before New Year and the little boy sat at the kitchen table writing his poem. 

His mother asked him what he was doing and he told her that tomorrow when it is New Year, she must read the poem on his bed before she got worried about him wetting the bed. 

She promised him she would do that and she was hoping it would not be necessary as she so wanted him to overcome his problem. 

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They stayed in a lovely little house just the two of them, as the father had died in the war a few years back. They were really happy except they missed the father but the little boy did many things to make his mother’s life so much easier he planted vegetables and looked after the animals and he helped her just like a man of the house should. 

The only problem that he had was the one with the bed. That night he put the poem on to his bed and fell asleep. His mother later came when he was asleep and red the poem, it was so nice and she felt so sad for being horrible to him about his bed wetting all the time that she decided to stop there and then and never mention it again.

 I made myself a snowball
As perfect as can be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet,
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for it's head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first - It wet the bed.”
Shel Silverstein 

The mother cried her heart out, and when he woke up his bed was dry. 

He could not believe it as he had been trying for such a long time yet never succeeded.

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 It was New Year and he was the happiest little boy ever as his mother made him pancakes with syrup and he could make his bed without having to wash the bedding again.  

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When he got to the kitchen his mother hugged him and said, it was such a lovely poem my son and I will never ever fight with you again. 

Funnily enough that was when he stopped wetting the bed, and it never happened again.

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So sometimes by giving a little love instead of complaining all the time we can do so much better and make everyone happy.

That night they watched all the new year crakers together.

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May you all have a wonderful old year and may the year ahead be good to everyone as it is a new chance we get to start being nice and decent to everyone. 

Have a wonderful New Year from me and enjoy the time you have left in a good way. 

We never know what lies ahead in the New Year but God does so just be happy.

Questions from story.

1. What did the little boy write for his mother?

2. What time of year was it.?

3. Did he ever wet his bed again?

4. What did his mother feed him.?

5. What did they watch together that night.?

with thanks from@kaleem345


Amazing dear....

Upvoted and resteemed

Thank you so much, really appreciate it.

Amazing post...
Thanks for sharing it...
Upvoted and resteemed

thank you so much for voting and resteeming.

incredible writing in your posts upvote me yes

I did, but some people do not like you asking so be careful, I dont mind want to help all the new steemers.

Happy new year my dear @bigbear

Same to you my dear friend may you have a wonderful year.

Very good my teacher.

Thank you so much albuluhi I really appreciate your reply.

dear bigbear i every time upvoted you but you dont upvote why

I do upvote my dear friend but can only do one a day as there are other people to upvote as well. Went back and upvoted 3 of your posts, sorry you think I do not. Will see every day.

oky dear thanks for everythink and please don't leve me

such a nice story, thanks for sharing. Happy New Year to you! I Wish you the best

Thank you so much lovalblesoul may you have a wonderful year ahead of you.

Thank you!! :)

♥♥♥very very nice your post dear sister and heppy new year 2018 and your all family♥♥♥

Thank you so much may you also enjoy your year and your family.

happy new year you and your family dear @bigbear

Thank you so much it is beautiful.

hi...little buddy ..... very nice to see all of you.... don't too much, just slowly. hi,.. mam you have great kid great family and great house. Very much lovely. have nice day.

Thank you, you to and a very good year.

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