in #steemiteducation5 years ago

Today I want to write about something that is really a heart breaking thing happening in our society.

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This child committed suicide because she came second in her class.
We have so many parents putting so much pressure on their children to be the best at everything. 
This is really not the way we should bring up our children. I have seen so often how difficult life becomes for these children.
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If you are not first in your class you are not good enough work harder. The same happens with athletics and other sport. 
Why do some parents pressure their children so much? 
By the time they are starting to become grownups they are really burned out and they just want to disappear. 

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So please help your child do their best but do not pressure them so hard that they become unhappy.
 I have found that parents wanted to succeed in something when they were young and could not. 
Now their child must fulfill their dream and that is not right. Every child has certain ability’s and I am not saying they should not try their best.  
But there are parents who push so hard that the child feels exhausted and unhappy.  You will not believe me but there are really many parents who make their children work so hard at being the best and the child feels lonely and that he or she is not good enough. 

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They might even think you do not love them if they are not the best at everything. 
I have never met a child who is outstanding in every little thing they have to do. Every one of us is human and cannot be the best at everything. 
Most children do have something that they are exceptional at it can be anything, even just nice good friendly children who care for others. 
Why are they pushing their children and taking away their wonderful small time of really being children. I am not saying they should not learn and try their best but let them enjoy their childhood. 
We all expect that from our children. But except your child’s ability and be thankful for them trying their best. 
Remember not everyone has the same IQ and creativity. So rather have a happy child that will not feel bad when they come home with a passing mark and that is the best they could do. 
They really learnt for it but that is what their ability is.

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I know parents who wake their children up early just to make them learn more before school. Children have to live a childhood and enjoy it as much as possible because it passes so fast. 
Please do not do this to your children.

courtesy of you tube
 I am putting a video in here of what pressure can do for a child and they feel like committing suicide. We have reached a stage where we have children who does commit suicide. 
Can you imagine just how you will feel if you realise that life had just become too hard for your child and they are planning to make an end to it. 
I do not think I would be able to live with that on my mind. So help your children, find out what is bothering them. 
If you are a good parent you will see this in your child as you should know them very well. If you realise there is something happening in this child’s life that has changed his or her personality try very hard to find out what it is.

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If you do not, you will not be able to help your child. Even peer pressure can do this and why should we allow our children to go through that. 
Then as I said in the beginning please do not expect the impossible from your child, they have to grow up in their own way and the most important of all is they have to be happy children. 
I so hate so see children crying because their parents are not happy because according to them the child did not come first in his class or maybe athletics. 
Tell them that there will always be a next time and maybe that will be their time, but do not put a lot of pressure on them. and make them feel they are not good enough. 
We only have our children with us for a very short time and then they start their own lives. 

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If we did not give them the example of how to bring up children they might just disappear from our lives or do the same with their children. 
Remember children learn by example and there is no other way as they look at what you are doing because you are important to them. If you say do this or that but you do something else how will they ever learn the right way? 

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This even happens in the animal kingdom.
So please parents do not over pressure your child to the point where they just feel life is not worth it. 
I really hope this did help you to understand that children must learn for sure, but there should be time for them to become normal human beings, and that is more important than any medals that they earn because they came first at something. 
I hope you enjoyed my post and may you have a wonderful happy day with your children. 



Parents putting undue pressure on their children to succeed is only for their own self-esteem and pride.
In my opinion parents should always be supportive and doing what they can to give their children the best start in life.
Life has enough pressures without parents dumping more pressure on their children for pride's sake.
Nature and the world is competitive. Children need to be equipped to deal with the pressures the world will put on them to survive. Parents can error in two different ways, over-protective and over-bearing. Raising a child in a cocoon does not give a child the skills needed to deal with the real world. And parents putting unrealistic expectations on a child to succeed can lead to failure, where the child feels they are a failure.

It would be interesting to explore why a parent put undue pressure on a child to succeed. I would say that it is natural for parents to want to see their children succeed. The line is crossed when the parents move from "wanting them to succeed" to "they have to succeed". I would surmise that that the parents do not have a healthy self-esteem of themselves. This results in parents wanting to be prideful and putting undue pressure on their children succeed.

In human society there is generally a shift from generation to generation that move cultural norms. It will be interesting to see how the kids that survive raise the next generation. Will they repeat the mistakes of their parents or go down a completely different path of child raising.

I am sure that teachers with a long career in education can comment on the different methods of child raising they have seen over their years of teaching.

Thank you for writing this article and raising awareness!
Steem on,

Your blog is needed by our society in general may this be read by many parents to avoid children committing suicide in the future @bigbear

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