We all just accept everything we have like arms legs as well as our hearing. It is as if it is our right.
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This is definitely not true as you will see in this wonderful video made by news 24 in Cape Town.
I was looking for something else but when I saw this baby’s smile I realised that this has to be shared with everyone.
Most of us have normal children and think it is just something that happens.
This little girl was born deaf and that is actually so sad, as she is so beautiful and to think she cannot hear her parents who love her so much talking to her.
I could not help thinking that we are so blessed if we have children who have everything they need.
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I still remember counting their toes and fingers when they were born and being so happy that they were fine.
This mother probably did the same but did not realise at the time that her lovely baby could not hear.
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Gratefully they did find out soon enough to help her, and this is all about the reaction you will see when she hears for the first time.
I am sure that these parents were extremely happy as she was still so small and could not talk yet.
Something she would not have been able to do if they did not find out that she was deaf.
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Technology has its bad and its wonderful sides.
Not long ago I wrote about children getting into trouble because of nasty people on the internet.
Today I want so say it is so wonderful that technology has made it possible for people to learn to speak, because they have hearing aids.
If it was not for all those wonderful people who really care about others, and worked hard to make it possible for this technology to work, it would have been so sad.
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That makes me wonder why there are always bad people out there who use technology to be bad.
It is such a wonderful invention that we can now treat people medically for problems that we could not before.
Fortunately there are good people in the world that use all their knowledge to make things better.
courtesy of you tube
I think this little girl in this video who is smiling will be worth it for you, and all the parents out there who might have the same problem.
So be thankful for all we have in life and just use all your blessings for doing well.
Life could be so wonderful for all of us if there were only good people in the world.
We do not need these bad people who are always trying to steal our children or make them unhappy.
May you enjoy this and have a wonderful day from me.

Like most parents/grand parents, we have been lucky that our kids have all been able to use their assets in the normal way. I feel sympathy for those who cant, but am surprised at how moden tech can he in so many ways
We were lucky as well but it is unreal what they can do.