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RE: The Self Respecting Child

It's all to do with respect @honeydue... respect for one's self, respect for others... including children.

When children are listened to, given the proper attention and input, treated fairly, and as equally as can be.

Children learn by watching others.. parents, adults, peers ( brothers and sisters ).

When they see self respect, integrity, honesty, hard work, communication... when they are open to seeing that, experiencing that, and treated as people, humans beings... that same self respecting parent will more than likely foster a self-respecting and honest child.


I think people often underestimate the power of example...too many parents with questionable morals or qualities who are then surprised that their children are like that, too. But kids pick up on your behavior, it's really quite simple.

Yup... you're right... they 24/7 biological behaviour absorption learning entities.

There's also the issue of learned helplessness.

I love Carol Dweck's work... she does some great work with kids and educators :O)

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