Teaching is a Very Noble Profession

Teaching is a noble profession, we give the knowledge we have to others so that these people become smarter even more than intelligence that we have. The teaching person is called the teacher, in Indonesia, there is a song titled "Unsung Hero".

Teaching make all profession possible

Unsung Hero is a nickname held by the teacher. From a large Indonesian dictionary, the word "hero" meaning someone stands out because of the courage to defend the truth [ 1 ]. Broadly speaking, the meaning of an unsung hero is people who dare to sacrifice in everything and she was never expecting anything in return or personal gain.

According to Todd Whitaker in his journal entitled Dealing with difficult parents, there under a big headline there is a line of inspiring sentences that are "teaching is the professions that can make all profession possible" [ 2 ]. From the sentence written by Todd above, I concluded that teacher is a noble job and truly remarkable job.

In our lives, there are various professions ranging from government employees, private workers, soldiers, police, writers, and thousands of different jobs. But there is a similarity of all the work above, ie they all need an education in order to achieve the job.

From education or science that everyone absorbs ranging they are still small to have the job as I mentioned, everything is obtained from a person called the teacher. Imagine if in this world there is no teacher, certainly, no other job like Todd said. Then it becomes an obligation for everyone to appreciate and respect each sweat incurred by teachers in order to create a generation of smart and great.

This paper is just a reminder to everyone not to forget the services that have been given by the teacher. Remember that the teacher is the first person who introduced the world to all of us. Teaching is the process of work done by the teacher along with guidance to anyone to make people who are guided to be smart [ 3 ].

References :

say thank you for our teacher, meet them, and help them

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