Cooperative Learning Snowball Throwing - Method of Learning

Another part of Cooperative learning is snowball throwing. The snowball throwing method is a method of learning to provide conceptual understanding to students.


This method is also used to evaluate student learning.
Snowball throwing is same as jigsaw method. Students are divided into groups. Then selected the chair of each group.

This method is like a game. Questions are made in ball-shaped paper, then thrown into other students.

Students who receive the ball throw it, must answer the question.

**Steps to use snowball throwing method**
1. The teacher informs the student of the material to be studied. 2. Students are distributed to groups. 3. The teacher presents the material to the group leader. 4. Each group leader returns to his group to deliver material to his friends. 5. Students make inquiries on a piece of paper about the material being studied. 6. The paper is squeezed to form a ball and thrown to other students. 7. Students who get the ball answer the question. 8. The teacher evaluates. 9. Closing

The advantage of the snowball throwing method is to train students quickly in response to the lesson.
The deficiency is the knowledge is very limited.

It's i wae explain about active learning method of snowball throwing. Hopefully steemit friends can use it well.

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