Your child uses the internet - Give them the responsibility to make sure they stay safe

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

We are living in a technological era and kids are born with smartphones in their hands.  It never seizes to amaze me how little ones can work a phone or game with those chubby little fingers.


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Technology is  a great way to keep kids busy and there are wonderful apps and games for them to learn from, but unfortunately like a lot of things in life, it can also be bad for them.

Children do not play outside as much as they use to (not that it is safe anymore just to send your kid outside), some never learn to socialize with others and it can really take over their lives. 

You can read more about the negative impact here.

The worst thing about using the internet is there are sick people out there and you need to teach your child how to be safe while using the internet.

Sit your child down and talk to them about the dangers that is lurking on the internet.  We do not only have to have the discussion of 'It is your body, you have the right to say no', anymore, we also need to talk about using technology safely.

You can have this discussion with them from a young age, but once they are old enough to start 'surfing' the internet, you can compile an agreement that the child can sign, where they promise to follow certain rules.  

Breaking of rules must have consequences, which will result in loosing the privilege to use the internet and technology unsupervised or even using it at all for a certain period.

We must respect our kids' privacy up to a point, but when it comes to protecting them, it is your right to look at their phones, search history, who they are in contact with etc.

You will maybe not be the most popular parent, but on the other hand....  YOU ARE NOT THERE TO BE YOUR CHILD'S FRIEND, YOU ARE THEIR PARENT...


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Discuss the following with them and set up an agreement that they can sign and make sure they understand that there will be consequences if they do not honor the agreement.

  • they must understand not to post any personal information like their address, telephone number or even the name of their school.  If they want to register on a site where they can play games or complete worksheets, they have to ask you first if it will be okay if they register
  • there must be a rule that they will never send a photo of themselves to anybody without asking your permission first.  Even if it is a friend
  • if there are any emails from people they do not know, it will not be opened
  • many times there are unknown links 'popping up'.  They cannot just click on any link
  • if there are any information on the internet or sites they stumble upon that makes them feel uncomfortable they need to tell you
  • if there are any unknown numbers or people inviting them to chat, they need to tell you 
  • they have to protect their passwords, which means they will not share it with anybody else except with you for safe keeping
  • they cannot just download any files without asking you first - talk to them about phishing and viruses.  You can read more here.

and then the most important one of all

  • I will never post any hurtful things about anybody and if a person cyberbullies me, I will not keep quiet about it.

You can read more about it here.

Children need to understand that using technology can be fun and keep you in touch with others and up to date, but they also need to understand that they have a responsibility to keep themselves protected and that if they have a problem, you are always there to help them.  

And then we just pray and trust....

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This is such a great post on a very important subject!!!i like your list of agreement to talk with the child.

Thank you

so true @anneke. This generation needs an early serious guidance. Child believes whatever they see is right. Therefore, as much possible, parents are always there to guide the kids.

It is so important to teach our kids how to be safe online and we need to start teaching them at younger and younger ages. They are growing up in a world where they are surrounded by technology. They have access to things that we never imagined at that age and it is becoming more dangerous all the time. I remember when I was a kid and my mom told me to get out of the house and play. I'd be gone for hours. I personally don't think it is less safe for kids to be outside playing but rather we are more overprotective about this because of the way that media has sensationalized things that have happened over the years.

No problems with children using the phone. They live in the era of digitala, and this era is the demands of the times. which can not be dammed

wise is the solution for us as parents to direct the positive things of using mobile phones for kids

You are absolutely right,.ignoring your chidren using smartphone withour any supervision is dangerous. I tried hardly to avoid my sons of using smartphone at home, but sometimes their friends arent prohibited with their parents. We can control them at home, but hardly control at their playground.
Thanks for sharing.

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