Random facts on different animals

in #steemiteducation5 years ago

We have now learned quite a lot about specific animals and there are still more to come, but first we will just have a 'mixture' of facts and animals today.  


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  • Have a look at different reasons why we love animals.  Do you love animals and can you give a few reasons why?

Did you know the following??

Rats breed very quickly, which means they can have a lot of babies at once and also quickly after they give birth, the female can get pregnant again.  In 18 months, 2 rats can 'create' up to a million relatives....  that is shocking.

Of all the animals, the blue whale can create the loudest sound.  It is so loud that it can be heard up to 800 km far over the ocean.  

  • Find a video of the blue whale and the sound it makes.

A horse and a cow do not lie down when they sleep.  The do it standing up.

A locust's leg muscles are about a 1000 times stronger than a human's if you work it out according to their weight.

A hummingbird is the only bird that can flap their wings so fast that they not only can hover in one spot, they can also fly backwards.


If you thought that the horn of a rhino is a piece of bone sticking out of its face, you are wrong.  The horn is actually made out of compacted hair.

A shark does not have bones in its body, but its skeleton is made out of cartilage.  The same substance that make up your ears and nose.  A shark also produced the biggest eggs in the world.  

So technically, they have the largest egg but they don't have the largest laid eggs. The ostrich has the largest laid egg. ... So yes, the largest egg is technically the Whale Shark's. However, the whale shark doesn't lay their eggs so most people usually don't count it. 

If you close your eyes, you cannot see anything, but if a shark closes its eyes, it can still see through the eyelids.


A polar bear looks all white and fluffy, but if you can inspect it closer you will see the fur is actually transparent and the skin is black.  How weird is that?  You can read more facts on the polar bear here.

You think you only see the 'Tasmanian devil' in cartoons?  No, they are real.  the are the largest 'marsupial' animal which means they carry their babies in a pouch like a kangaroo.  They are only find in one place naturally in the wild and that is in Tasmania, Australia.


Flies can be very irritating but the average house fly only lives for 2 to 3 weeks.  Thank goodness.  Imagine how many flies there would be if they lived for a long time.

Another annoying insect is a mosquito, but you can only blame the female mosquitoes if you have mosquito bites.  The male lives off plant juice.

Next time your cat crawls through a little space, know that it used its whiskers to make sure it will fit through.

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