What plants need to grow - Natural Science Gr 3-4

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

On earth we find living and non-living things.  Plants and animals are living things - they have 7 life processes.

  • Can you give some examples of non-living things?
  • Can you name the 7 life processes?

If you need some reminding on this topic, you can read information here again.  

Plants make all the food that animals on earth need.  If all plants disappear, life on earth as we know it will stop.

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We need to look after all our plants and in this piece we will have a look at what they need to grow and how you can make sure the seeds grows into healthy plants.

Plants need the following to grow and survive:

1.  Sunlight and air

A plant uses sunlight and carbon dioxide to make its own food.  This is called photosynthesis.  After the process is done the plant releases oxygen. The plant uses this food to grow and stores the rest.  When animals eats the plants, the energy is transferred to the animal.


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2.  Water

All plants need water, but the amount of water needed depends on the type of plant.  Some plants can live with only a little bit of water, like plants in the desert, these plants are called xerophytes.  Plants in your garden that needs to be watered once or twice a week is called mesophytes and plants that live in water is called hydrophytes.

The roots of the plant absorbs the water and the nutrients from the soil to also use during photosynthesis.


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3.  Soil

Different plants live in different types of soil.  The three main types of soil are called sandy soil, clay and loam


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A plant gets water and minerals from the soil.  To make sure that plants get enough minerals, we often add fertilizer or compost to the soil.  

You can make your own compost to add to the soil


Growing new plants

Plants can grow from seeds, shoots or cuttings.  Seeds grow from flowers that have been fertilized with pollen from another flower. 

When a seed starts growing it is called germination.  Watch the video on how germination takes place.


A cutting is made when you cut a  piece from the plant (usually the stem) and plant it in the soil and it starts growing roots and makes a new plant.


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Plants can also grow from shoots.  A shoot is little roots that shoots out of the plant's stem and grows into a new plant.


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Fun activity

You are going to take bean seeds and watch how they germinate.  Remember that seeds need light, warmth and water in order to start growing.  You must water the seed regularly but do not over water it, otherwise the seeds will rot.

Place the seeds between some cottonwool on a saucer or in a container in a nice warm place like for instance the window sill.  Wet the cottonwool when you see it is dry.

Very soon you will see the seed burst open and a little plant starts growing from it.  The seed can now be planted in soil to grow into an adult plant.

Watch the video if you are not sure what to do


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