Plants and animals on Earth and their habitats - Science Gr 4-5

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

We live on the third planet from the Sun called Earth - Earth is just far away from the Sun that the planet do not freeze but also do not scorch from the Sun.  

Animals and plants need oxygen and water and Earth is the only planet where you will find it.

  • Some people call Earth the blue planet - look at the following picture and decide for yourself why this is an appropriate name.


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More that two thirds of Earth is covered by water - this does not mean we can waste water, because most of this water is salt water and we cannot drink it.  

Plants and animals need fresh water and because this is found on Earth, we find a lot of different species that drink the water or use it as their habitat (live in it or close to it).

  • What is the meaning of the word species?
  • Can you name any 5 types of animals and plants that we find on Earth

The place where the plant or animal live is called a habitat.  We find different types of plants and animals in an area and that is called biodiversity (not all the same, different from one another).

Different types of habitats for plants and animals

Depending on the type of plant or animal, they can live in different areas/habitats.

A few examples of different habitats are

  • aquatic (water)
  • desert (here is very little water)
  • grassland (living in areas with long grass)
  • forests ( areas with huge trees and not a lot of sunlight)

Animals and plants have adapted (changed to survive) to live in these different habitats.  

Aquatic habitat

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Plants and animals can either live in salt water (marine) or fresh water.  They have adapted to be able to live in one of the two.  You will also find animals in the rock pool by the coastline and these animals must be able to withstand the constant pounding of the waves. 

  • Look at the following examples of animals that live close to the sea or in it.  You are first going to find a picture of each and then you need to read more about them and write down 2 facts of each.
  1. seagulls
  2. starfish
  3. dolphins
  4. whales
  5. jellyfish

Where the river runs into the sea we call an estuary.  The salt and the fresh water mixes and in many of these estuaries, in certain areas we will find sea horses.

  • Watch the video on sea horses and make your own summary on the facts mentioned.

Many animals live near or in freshwater, like crocodiles, hippos, ducks, fish, small insects etc.

  • Do some research and find atleast 5 examples of animals that live in or close by fresh water.  You can either find pictures of each or videos - for enrichment work you can learn some facts about each.

Desert and semi-desert


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Deserts are areas with very low rainfall - in some deserts it can stop raining for a few years.

Even though the desert is very dry, you will find plants and animals that are suited (adapted) to survive here.

The plants will have thorns or very small leaves, so that they do not transpirate (loose water) a lot and their root system goes very deep in the ground, to find any water available.  They also have nice thick fleshy leaves where they can store the water.


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The animals will mostly come out at night when it is cooler or early in the morning when they can find the dew on the plants.  Some animals that lives in the desert will get enough water from the leaves they eat.


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  • For enrichment work you can do your own research on some of these animals

Grassland habitat


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In this habitat you will find a lot of grass and a few trees.  After the rain falls the grass grows very fast and this is also the time when the babies are born.  The moms can feed on the grass and produce enough milk for the offspring (babies).

  • Can you think of a few animals that you will find in this habitat?

Forest habitat


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It is a large area mostly covered by trees.  Forests habitats are very important for life on Earth.  The many trees gives off oxygen during photosynthesis (making their own food) and all animals need oxygen to live.

Trees also provide shelter and food and medicine and work for humans.  We need to conserve (protect) our forest and not just cut down trees.

We also need to look after the animals and insects that helps with the pollination of trees and spreading the seeds.  Without these animals and insects there will be no new trees and eventually they will become extinct (nothing left).

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  • For enrichment you can watch the video and get some extra information

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What a lovely post anneke, this is very important for children.

Cool article

Thank you

What a wonderful lesson with so much information for children to learn! It was great about earth being the blue planet and all about the water and its creatures and the desert and land animals and insects. You are a talented teacher who makes learning fun! Thank-you! :D

You are too kind and make me feel so good because sometimes after a day of school I feel drained from any talent hahaaha

You probably give so much so you are drained at the end of the day. Just know that you make a difference each and everyday!!! :D

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