Lets learn more about food - Part 2 Apples - Information for smaller kids

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

You must have heard the expression before "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  This implies that eating an apple every day will keep you healthy.  

Lets learn some more fact about this fruit.

An apple grows on a tree and they are the most widely grown fruit, which mean that you will find apples all over the world.  A lot of people like to eat apples and use them in pies or as juice, so millions of tons of apples are grown to satisfy the needs of the people.

There are thousands of different varieties of apples including Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Pink Lady and Granny Smith. 
  • Do you like apples?  What do you like to eat that is made from apples?
  • Find a picture of the different varieties of apples we find.  Which ones have you eaten an which one is your favourite?

'Granny Smith' is the name given to the green apples and they can be quite sour and hard.  This apple was 'discovered' by accident in Australia in 1868 by a women named Maria Ann Smith. 

Most people like eating an apple fresh, but many use it to make juice or for cooking and baking.

The first apple trees were grown in central Asia after which travelers started taking it to other countries. It was first taken to North America by the European settlers and from there all across the world.  China still produces the most apples in the world. 

The trees will form blossoms in spring and then the fruit will grow in Autumn.  But with technology it is now possible to grow apples all year round.  Honey bees are the main pollinators of the apple trees.

Apple seeds contain a cyanide compound. Our body can handle small doses of this naturally occurring poison so you'd have to eat a huge number of seeds for it to have an effect, and even then the seeds are covered in a protective coating which keeps the cyanide compound safe inside. 

We can handle eating apple seeds, but never give it to your cat or dog because it can actually harm them.

The ASPCA categorizes apples as toxic to cats, and this is due to the stems, le`aves, and especially seeds inside the apple. ... Apple seeds contain a very dangerous poison called cyanide, which could induce significant health problems for your cat

Apples are healthy and non-fattening and will also help with your digestion and removing excess water from your body.  Eating an apple will not guarantee that you will never get sick 'and keep the doctor away', but they are healthy and contains vitamins that is good for you.  So go ahead, eat some apples.

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