Be a child with manners - Information for kids (and adults)

in #steemiteducation5 years ago

Have you ever been in trouble at home or at school because adults or somebody said you did not have manners?  What does that even mean?  

Today we will be looking at basic manners and good behavior and what to do to make sure that people do not accuse you of being rude.


A few basic very important manners that we need to remember are

  • treat people in the same way that you want them to treat you - do not be rude to others and then expect them to be nice to you or get upset if they also treat you in a rude manner
  • show respect to people who deserve it and are older than you - speak to your parents in a proper way and also people around you
  • help somebody if you see they need help with something and do not do it because you expect something in return, do it because you care about others
  • if somebody does something nice for you, show your appreciation - it is not your right to get things, it is a privilege
  • do not make promises that you cannot or do not intend to keep - people will stop trusting you

If you are a boy you can do things like open a door for a girl, let her walk in first.  Carry a girl's bag and treat her with respect.  It does not mean that girls can do whatever they want, if a boy or anybody does something polite or kind, make sure you thank them.  No matter if you are a boy or a girl, NEVER be mean to other people, even if they are different from you.  We are all special in our own way and it is okay to be different, as long as you are yourself.

You need to have respect for people, animals and nature and nobody likes a bully.


Make sure you use the 'magic words please and thank you'  You can rather say it too many times than never saying it and be rude.

We all make mistakes, so if you have made a mistake say sorry and mean it.  If you accidentally bump against somebody it is also polite to say 'Excuse me' or 'Sorry'.

We do not only need to have respect for other people, but also for their belongings.  You cannot just go around and take things that do not belong to you, that is stealing...

If you hear people gossiping about others, do not be part of the discussion.  You can either walk away or ask them to stop.  You would not like it if people are telling stories about you behind your back, so why do it to others?

It does not matter if it is you mom's or dad's or siblings bags or emails or letters, we do not scratch around in other people's private thing and we respect their privacy.

If someone is in a room or bathroom and the door is closed, you need to knock and wait for them to say you may enter, do not burst into a room without any warning.

It is bad manners to point and stare at somebody, even if that person looks different or is maybe in a wheelchair. They are also just humans, so rather be kind and smile at them and let them know that you accept them just the way they are.


If somebody has told you a secret and asked you not to tell anybody, you need to honor that request, unless it is a 'bad' secret where somebody is getting hurt.  In that case you can tell an adult you trust.

If somebody trusts you it is a compliment, do not break that trust.

Have you ever been cross and went to your room and slammed the door?  I am sure we have all done that, but unfortunately that is not very good manners.  You have the right to spend time in your room until you feel better, but try and close the door softly, no matter how cross you are.

Being friendly does not cost a thing.  We are not always in a good mood and sometimes you feel irritated with your family or friends.  Ask them to leave you alone for a while, until you feel better.  Rather be honest about how you feel than being mean to them, and they do not deserve it just because you are in a bad mood.

Do not throw around papers or other trash and even if it is not your papers lying around, you can still do the right thing and pick it up and put it in the dustbin.

There are so many things that we can do to show we have good manners and care about others, but it is also very important that we have respect for ourselves and care for ourselves and do not do things that may hurt us.  

If you do not have respect for yourself, you will never be able to have respect for others.



Say what you will do or how you will react in the following situations if you have good manners (you can even act it out with a friend)

  1. Answering the phone
  2. Leaving or taking a message for somebody
  3. Seeing your family or friends in the mornings
  4. Listening to the teacher in class
  5. Need to leave the classroom to go to the bathroom
  6. Getting a present from your friend
  7. Seeing somebody scratching or writing on the class desk
  8. Asking your parent if you may have a friend over
  9. Being moaned at by your parents
  10. Making a promise to a friend

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