in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Hi great steemians

Welcome you to my blog

Every Relationship that leads to Marriage today started from somewhere and apparently it starts with FRIENDSHIP,DATING
and/or followed by COURSTSHIP.

There will be a clear distinction between Friendship,Dating and Courtship.


To start with and For the benefit of my readers understanding, Let's see what friendship entails from

Childhood-Adolescence-Adulthood-Older Adulthood.


Friendship : This is a strong interpersons bond which include various characteristics such as Love, Virtue, Kindness, Empathy, Loyalty, Altruism, Compassion, Trust, Making mistakes without fear of judgement from your friends and most importantly Mutual understanding.

We have Friendship in different stages of our life which are:

  • Childhood friendship

  • Adolescence stage Friendship

  • Adulthood Friendship

  • Older Adult Friendship

Friendships in childhood and adolescence are complex relationships shaped by a powerful mix of sexual and aggressive feelings and developmental pressures. From the latency phase onward, friendships are an integral part of human experience. Throughout the remainder of childhood and adulthood, including old age, the character and substance of healthy friendships are determined by the mutual need to engage and resolve major developmental tasks and themes that are specific to each phase.Source

Friendship in CHILDREN regularly focused on Playing together, closeness to each other, engaging in common activities, sharing things together because they tend to share things with someone they consider to be their friend and they in turn get used to empathizing with their friends by playing in groups. This get them prepared for the next stage of childhood life. Having good friendship during childhood helps a child to be better acclimated in the society later in life with the help of their parents and teachers through Coaching.


ADOLESCENCE stage friendship is quiet different from childhood friendship because it focused more on common interest, Loyalty and shared values other than playing and engaging in common activities done in childhood friendship. At this stages friends are old enough to make decision of avoiding problematic peers which may not satisfy their needs in terms of shared values. And researchers has found that adolescence stage Friendship last more longer than the childhood Friendship. And the probability of engaging in problematic behaviors depends on their exposure to the kind of friends they keep, that is why parents,guardians and teachers guidance is very important to persons in this stage.


ADULTHOOD Friendship is a kind of friendship which brings affections,emotional support, increase in physical health and companionship.
One has to be careful in this stage of friendship because parents,Guardians and Teachers sees us as a matured person whom needs little or no guide at all in keeping friends. And it is a kind of friendship that can lead to Dating-Courtship-Marriage.

But when it comes to friendship at work, Adults found it very difficult to keep friends in their workplaces because mostly it sputters with competitions which causes them to forcefully hide quirks and vulnerabilities(either physical or emotional) from colleagues.


OLDER ADULTHOOD friendship is mostly friendship that has been grown from AdultHood Friendship which brings about high level of individual satisfaction in the friendship because of the increase in age and needs to give their families more attention.

At this stage the total number of friends reduce drastically just because of the increase in the level of interest given to achieving daily living activities use in catering for their Family needs and Wants.

But people in this stage of life are successful in bringing together their children and relatives, and as soon as there's decrease in responsibilities attended to by them, then to them Friendship becomes more important again which serves as a protection against depression and loneliness.

Because PSYCHOLOGICALLY Older Adults whom come in contact with Friends tends to improve in psychological well being than those that doesn't.

Thanks For Reading.


Beautiful write- up

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