Water - A life line for all plants and animals - General information and questions for kids Gr 3-4

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Neither we nor any animal or plant can live without water.  We need it so that our bodies can function.

It is very important that we protect our water, because even though there is a lot of water on earth, most of it is sea water and can not be drank.  We must look after our water because there can easily be a drought.

Water goes over and over from the water on earth to the atmosphere and back to earth in a cycle called the water cycle.

Lets learn some more about this very important liquid, which can also be a solid or a gas.

  • Give an example of each

Two elements combine to make up a water molecule - those are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom and if you want to write the scientific formula, you write it as H2O.

Water only found on Earth in all three states - a liquid (water), a solid (ice) and a gas (water vapour).

The three largest oceans on Earth are the Pacific Ocean (largest), the Atlantic Ocean (second largest) and the Indian Ocean (third largest). 

There are many dams and rivers across the world, but the longest river on earth is the Nile.  It flows 6650 km far and the second longest river is the Amazon the is 1400 km in length.

Water can be used as a 'solvent'.  This means certain things like sugars, salt and acids will dissolve in it easily, however oil and fat do not mix with water.

  • Have a look at the video about water as a solvent.

Most people around the earth have clean water or taps in their houses, but in some poorer areas people do not have access to running water and has to walk very far to get water from the river.  This water is not always clean and people can get sick from drinking it.

  • Do some research of your own of illnesses you can get from drinking dirty water.

Humans, animals and plant need water to live and all their systems or organs to function properly.  If you stay without water, you can dehydrate and your body will stop working.  A human can not be without water for more than three days without getting sick and eventually dying.  The same will happen to plants and animals. 

An important use for water is in agricultural irrigation, this is when water is artificially added to soil in order to assist the growth of crops.
Water is used frequently by firefighters to extinguish fires. Helicopters sometimes drop large amount of water on wildfires and bushfires to stop fires spreading and limit the damage they can cause.

Water can be used to make/generate electricity.  If water is used, we call it 'hydroelectricity'.

  • Watch the video and answer the questions. (this is for enrichment) 

  1. What is 'green' power?
  2. What is hydro electricity?
  3. What is the function of a dam?
  4. What is a turbine and how does it rotate?
  5. What is the function of the transformer?
  6. When will less electricity be generated?
  • We can also have a lot of fun with water. Can you think of a few examples where water is used to have fun?

Next time when you drink a glass of water, think about how important it is to us.



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