So you got your license to drive - Now what now? Tips for teens

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

You have been waiting a long time for this and at last the day has come where you pass your driver's test and you now have a licence and can drive legally.

Your are ecstatic and feel like you just want to get in the car and drive and drive.  But wait, it is not that easy. There are a few things you have to take note of.


image source

The most important thing you need to realize is that having a license DOES NOT mean you are automatically a good driver.  Like everything in life, 'practice makes perfect' and the more you drive, the more experience you will get and the better you will become.

Remember the following when you go out on your own:

  • understand that you are new at this and cannot afford to take risks like speeding or passing cars in unsafe ways.  This is almost like when you started riding your bike, you made sure you kept your hands on the handles and concentrated on what you were doing.  Driving a car is more dangerous, so you need to be alert and not do risky things, take it slow and be careful.  The more you drive, the better you will get to know your limits and your car.
  • start off by driving short distances, you cannot just jump in and take a long 'road trip'.  First get comfortable with driving short distances.
  • if you need to drive at night, you have to make sure that because you have less visibility, you are even more alert and do not think because there are less cars on the road, you do not have to obey the rules.  A car can come out of nowhere and you will see it too late.
  • take a few trips on your own before you start taking passengers with you.  Once you have passengers in your car, you can be distracted, but refrain from that, and keep all your attention on the road, because now you have an added responsibility of other peoples' lives in your hands.

  • understand that a car is not a toy.  It is not something you take chances with or play around with.  You can not only put yourself in danger, but a lot of other people on the road.
  • obey the rules of the road - they are there for a reason.  Thinking 'nobody will see me, or know if I skip the stop street' can be the last time you think that.  You are not obeying the rules to impress others, you are obeying it to keep yourself and your passengers save and out of trouble.
  • if you drive, you do not only have to be alert for what you are doing, but you must also be alert for the people around you.  Not all people are good drivers, or obey the rules of the road and a lot of people will take chances, so make sure that you are the one who can spot someone that is going to do something wrong before it happens.
  • your mirrors are not there to check how great you look, they are there for a reason... use them.
  • you need to know your car.  How long does it take to stop, how much petrol does it use, when must it go for services etc.  You cannot always just get in and drive, you actually has to check certain things on a regular basis to make sure your car is safe and you will reach your destination.
  • if you do not know this, as someone to teach you how to change a flat tire - this can come in very handy.

Last but certainly NOT least, you cannot go to a party, have a few drink and then believe that you are fine to drive home.  Even if you are not drunk and feel totally in charge, you reactions will be slower.  So if you planning on having a few drinks, rather find an alternative way to get home.

And it goes without saying, do not text and drive..... who ever is looking for you can wait until you are safely park again.

Enjoy having your license, but be responsible and stay safe and even though you may think your parent are old and they know nothing, they have way more experience than you do, so you can only learn from them if you listen to their advice.

You can also read my previous post on how to drive when the weather is not that great.



These are really very useful and helpful tips for teens @alishi. Your blog is very informative for us. I like your work and efforts.
Best of Luck!

Thank you for reading - I am glad if it helps somebody

Thanks information @alishi. Very good.

Thanks for sharing cars
I appreciate your cardcirt

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